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I got hacked =[ My two main characters were moved to different servers last night around 3am. Then the password was changed, and finally my account was banned due to economic exploitation. I think we all know what that means. I checked the armory on Sub, she's missing a few pieces of gear and Outdated isn't even on the armory anymore. Lovely isn't it? Who knows how long it will take for our wonderful friends at Blizzard to correct this catastrophe.

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Sorry dude! That SUCKS! =(


...But that's what you get for trolling midget pr0n. >.<

Edited by Demetricus

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oh wow dude that sucks im sorry to hear.

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Incredible did someone have your account name and pass? Or it is a total out of nowhere hack?

Edited by Aigle

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He didn't get hacked the first time, I believe his cousin transferred him off server against his will or something like that.

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Call them everyday, they don't want to do their jobs, they are real people.

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Yeah, the cousin did it the first time, but that was rectified immediately. This was just a random hack. Moved to different servers and banned. Maybe it's a sign from the Gods that I need to stop playing =/ I just got an email from support and they are telling me to reset my password. They must not have read the part about my account being closed and economic exploitation. That would be too sensible.


But for those from MLP that think this is the same ol' shit, come on now, I wouldn't be that stupid again. If you don't believe me, check on the armory for yourself. Outdated and Subsequent. Anyone who knows me knows that Outdated walked around in PvP gear all day and Subsequent was TRYING to get some PvP gear.






Edit: There is another Gnome Lock named outdated, but that gnome is whack. My Outdated was transferred to Aman'Thul.

Edited by Subsequent

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after blizzard banned my account, they kept sending me emails threatening to ban my account (again? wtf?) if i didn't respond to the emails. i would respond, and they would keep telling me to log in and change my email address before they would talk to me. telling them yet again that my account was banned and this was impossible netted the exact same form email. they don't read a damn thing you write in them, good luck.

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