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No more dont ask dont tell?


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It be interesting how they address the issue if it does get kicked back.


The problem isn't someones sexual orientation. Its what would be required to account for openly accepting homosexuals. Men don't shower with women for a reason. It would be a similar situation with openly gay men showering with straight men. Its unnecessary tension and possible confrontation the military don't want to deal with. The military doesn't have any course of action or standards for dealing with homosexual situations and problems logistically, so they simply don't allow openness of the situation.


I think its safe to say, in general, most of the military really doesn't care. Its finding solutions to the situations that would arise no one wants to address. Dont ask dont tell, is just the simplest and cheapest way to address the issue.


This is the military too, rights and freedoms become privileges not rights when you sign that dotted line.

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Thats true Steve, but I wonder how the UK and Australia deal with it since they let homos in the military already and have for years.


TBH, I dont see a problem with them showering together or what not, they already do and it's a non issue. In High school we do, in gyms we do, and especially in a military situation, I dont think it'd be an issue.



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Sad to see that gay people aen't yet accepted within the military community. Like they say in the article those people fight and die for he country. As for showers to me it's a non-issue.


They fight for us let them express themselves. It's no big deal. :miner:

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Aigle you've been a member since 05, but I think you've posted more this last month than the other 3 years combined!

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If gays can shower with me then I can shower with hot women! don't mind the erection, totally unrelated!

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Two things to add, Don't ask don't tell is used becaue it's, as Steve pointed out, the cheapest solution for dealing with what "might" be a problem; and Homosexuality is against the Uniform Code of Military Justice. To alter that requires an act of Congress.


While a president can issue any directives he wants reguardling handeling gays in the military, For it to be openly accepted it's going to require Congressional approval, and until we have more of a socail shift in this country, Good luck getting that.


Makes me sad honestly, as I kind of want the guy in the dirt next to me to think my ass is cute.



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i think my problem is i dont care. im not going to war, im too much of a pansy girly man.


just let it fly untill something does happen i mean guess it could spiral out of control into some huge sex scandal but it wouldnt be the first one.


that last sentence was proof i did not read the article matt posted.

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Aigle you've been a member since 05, but I think you've posted more this last month than the other 3 years combined!


Well yes I have a little more time to do that at work... Used to be that I was always very busy. Also I guess with organizing the Kara runs I feel more involved with the guild.


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Two things to add, Don't ask don't tell is used becaue it's, as Steve pointed out, the cheapest solution for dealing with what "might" be a problem; and Homosexuality is against the Uniform Code of Military Justice. To alter that requires an act of Congress.


While a president can issue any directives he wants reguardling handeling gays in the military, For it to be openly accepted it's going to require Congressional approval, and until we have more of a socail shift in this country, Good luck getting that.


Makes me sad honestly, as I kind of want the guy in the dirt next to me to think my ass is cute.




I love you ecth XD

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I dunno, I think the military can afford to discharge more arabic translators because they are gay. I mean, what use do we have for that skill right now anyway?

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I dunno, I think the military can afford to discharge more arabic translators because they are gay. I mean, what use do we have for that skill right now anyway?


wich skill are you talking about? being a translator or being fabulous?

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I always thought it was easy to tell who was gay personally, who ever pats me on the ass and squeezes as I walk by is obviously after a piece and is gay. This is confirmed by all the times I see Shad in Shat.....

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shad is just a team player

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if all the gays die in wars, who will teach me how to dress? :<


on the srs, let 'em fight. issue some pink fatigues or something.

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If gays can shower with me then I can shower with hot women! don't mind the erection, totally unrelated!


You hope they would be attractive. . . sadly showering co-ed (or with men in my case) is NOT an erotic experience because there are a lot of fugly people in the world.

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also some people arent too into "manscaping"

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also some people arent too into "manscaping"

Those people don't grow their own sweater vest...


Or at lest don't care when they do >.<

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I think this is more cultural, to answer your earlier question Matt, about why other countries can do it and American seems to be lagging behind.


Much like any social movement, it takes time for the general public to catch up to the thinking of the more progressive people. You have to remember, it wasn't that long ago US had separate fountains for whites / blacks.


This isn't really civil disobedience, but the same rationale applies (at least I think so). I would recommend to anyone "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr, it truly shows how hard it is to have a cultural movement or reverse thinking. I suppose the stance here is "Why not ask and tell?" and I think mostly the answers are for morale purposes. The army generally doesn't want to know because the guys in the army would feel threatened and there might even be violence etc on the base. We are all conditioned a certain way when we grow up, conditioning is inevitable. We were conditioned by our environment to accept certain traits and not others, before it was blacks vs whites, now that's more so gone or at least subsided. It's homosexuals vs heterosexuals. Though it used to be accepted back in the Greek days, since the Christian church took over, it's been burn the homos!


Again, conditioning...and now think about where conditioning is critical...where you need people to react and not to think. Military. I'm not going to argue Christian beliefs (though I'd love to) yet I tend to think the Military would be the slowest of the social movements. I also don't want to seem that I am putting idealists above pragmatists, because I'm not. Yet, it is the idealists that set out policies and then tend to influence social conditions, the military is more of the bouncer that makes sure the think tank nerds can sit around (People Front of Judea!). Sort of simple, but I'm pretty sure at this point I'm just writing for myself :D


Also, socially...homosexuality (though more accepted now then it was about 20 years ago) still isn't fully accepted as a facet of life. It's more of a...sort of a "fad" right now...people tend to think of homosexuals as cartoon characters and that's because the media portrays them as such. (They are great at cooking, being well dressed, having great taste in fashion) Those are all true of course, but it is a generalization which tends to bring in other generalizations with in. One of them being that homosexuals are like...wild horny manbeasts! Like vampires they just attack the first straight male they see! RUN! (no really, run...Matt is one of them!)


Since I'm writing a wall of text...I also like to point out that it's ladies night today...and all the drinks are half off. Thanks for listening! GOOD NIGHT!

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I don't think its a social issue; its not about taking away peoples rights or anything like that. Like Joe said, the military doesn't really care who you're attracted to, they just don't want to waste the time and money making up all sorts of regulations for dealing with it.

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why cant they handle any unwanted sexual attention like they would if it were male/female sexual harassment? sure there might be gay guys in the showers with you and you know they're gay.......oh wait i see potential for more than just sexual harassment. that would probably lead to hazing or mental and physical abuse. yea i guess it could turn out to be a bigger deal than just a sexual harassment case or something that can be solved with the normal chain of consequences. i guess that's just something that will exist until the general populous has a change of perception of homos.

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