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When I left you all this is the ending of who?


While eating at the table I saw something I never seen before oooooo

im sorry I cant eat this what is it its so bad.


HUH you night elves always eat these there called RABITS. Im sorry sir I said I dont mean to be rude. However I grew up with Orcs. I new i was differnt but I didnt know how.


And so now the storie goes on.


Grew up with ORC?? What are ya talkin about KNWONE LIKE YOU KNWONE DO YOU UNDERSTAND! Slamming down his glass of spirits.

Now tell me your name NOW! sir they call me Ragnaw sir. RAGNAW???

OOOOOO I know who you are but it cant be it just CANT!


I know who your familey is I knew them anyway. Please tell me more I said. NO NO no time no time we most travel come we have no time to sleep. As we was heading out the door a short little man stood outside.

HI ya friends What are you doin here Lurken? We have to leave. Where you headed the short man said. This here is RAGNAW now you know where must go. OOOOOO NOT THE RAGNAW?


Yes him now move out of my way you little GNOME!

Who was that? I asked confused He is a stupid short gnome who likes to make my life hell.


How? I asked How HOW HOW he yells. He gathers my fur and sales them how ever he also SKIMS frm the top if you know what I mean. He however is verry dangerous xply to those taurens.


OOO my friend is a tauren. HA HA HA HA he says to me chilling me down to my spine. TAURENS have no friends NONE! awe I suppose those trolls have takin there side. HHHMMMM wait till they find out just wait.


We rode into the night. What will happen next we will know in part 3 . to be continued............


Now I am considering all the other endings I want this to be a 10 part storie so let me know how u like the plot so far.

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