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LFG Australia


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Is there FP still in Australia?


I'll be heading down there the 8th of July and I'll be hanging around until the 23rd.



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Dude, you're coming here on the 8th and leaving on the 23rd? This has to be a sick joke of some kind.


I'm leaving back to Malaysia on the 1st of July and won't be back until probably the 23rd. Doesn't that just f*cking suck?


I'm gonna see when exactly my flight back is, and I'll see if I can push to back till before the 23rd so we can at least hit up dinner and some bakage.. damn dude I hope we can meet up! Julian, when do you get back?

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wow that really sucks! I'll be busy for most of my time there. I get a free day the 22nd tho.

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22nd eh? My semester starts on the 26th, so I'll probably be heading back on like the 22nd or 23rd. Doesn't look optimistic though =(


I can't believe how unlucky this is =(

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