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dont conform. fight the power! they day i get a useless enchant ill stab myself in the eye.

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doesn't like pvp gear i guess


"Tree of Life: missing vital talent"


um... thanks?

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And as for specs being situational, they have a forum that you can go post your spec and their accessments of specs is based off of like 2 years of accounting for those posts. I'm pretty sure they are working on a more comprehensive and informative spec tool.


oh i see. yea just using my example of a fight where there might be only one shadow priest and the boss puts you in a situation where you won't be able to apply anything on the boss to refresh SV, i mean its not a HUGE loss if you have like 3/5 or 4/5 and it resists just have to spent the measly amount of mana to restack it with SW:P rank1. they're just suggestions based on the majority average i guess. it also said nothing about my 5/5 for shadow power which a fair amount of spriests swear to only having 2 or 3/5 cause they don't like to crit.

Edited by Erlin

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Well no shit Sherlock, Did the Field Marshal in the title screen give it away?


199.something btw

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yeah, this site is a little pretentious. needs to take into account server reputation too imo.

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Swaloads, 215.46 gear score, perform well mid to end BT/MH, upgrades from end SSC/TK.


Vandergaurd, /lawl, 152.83 gear score, perform well mid Kara/heroics, upgrades from end Kara/Heroics???

like I said. /lawl...



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I'm logged out in the most atrocious ret gear EVER. I'm not even gonna check it. I'll respec then try.

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It tells me my upgrades are in early SSC/TK, but I'll perform well in Hyjal/BT o.O!


I'd say that was the case the few times you raided with us =D WTB more Rethelion in raids.

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It tells me my upgrades are in early SSC/TK, but I'll perform well in Hyjal/BT o.O!



Same here lol.. also..


"WARNING: probably caught in PVP gear!

Misenchanted items: 1

Merciless Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm: Glyph of the Gladiator"


Because a Stam/Resil glyph is bad for PvP helms! AHH!..


(yeah yeah I know it's for PvE here... I thought it was funny.. =P)


211.05 in PvP gear, neat!.. I keep forgetting to log out in PvE lol

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Vandergaurd, /lawl, 152.83 gear score, perform well mid Kara/heroics, upgrades from end Kara/Heroics???

like I said. /lawl...


Seem pretty accurate honestly. I'm gonna do a quick run through for constructive criticism. You can take or leave what I'm about to say. Sauceboss type post incoming because I'm bored with the server down. Since I pretty well agree with the site's assessment, everything I am listing here can be crafted, bought with badges or drops in Kara/Heroics.


As it says, you're 200+ hit rating from cap meaning you have in the neighborhood of 160-170. Performance in raid instances drastically improves as you move past 250 and into the 300s. I can vouch for this as I was trying to raid with 180ish and it was bad but I have been stacking +hit where I could and now raid near 320.


1.) Stealther's Helm of Second Sight: You have a defense gem. Until you get hit capped, become VERY friendly with Glinting Noble Topaz (hit and agi) for red and yellow gem slots. You could get the T4 helm Netherblade Facemask off Prince as a MAJOR upgrade.


2.) Primalstorm Breastplate You can get a linear upgrade from Nightbane. Chestguard of the Conniver and enchant with 6 stats.


3.) [item]Midnight Legguards[/item] These are a great item but you have 2 green gems in them. 2 Glinting Nobles in there would give you 8 hit and 8 AP while keeping your socket bonus. Or save the badges from heroics and get [item]Trousers of the Scryers' Retainer[/item] They are AMAZING. I think these are what we all raid with currently.


4.) [item]Boots of Utter Darkness[/item] Another great item. Think about enchanting Surefooted (10 hit and 5% snare and root resist) since your hit is low.


5.) [item]Primalstrike Belt[/item] You could pretty easily upgrade this with [item]Belt of Deep Shadow[/item] If you get the items together, there are several people that can craft it in guild. Forego the socket bonus and get 2 +8 hit gems.


6.) [item]Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation[/item] These are decent but getting [item]Netherblade Gloves[/item] would be a huge raid performance upgrade. Plus if you get them from Curator and the helm from Prince, you get that AWESOME 2 piece set bonus from T4, 3 extra seconds on SnD.


I like your rings for where you're at. 40+ hit there. Dont change them unless you replace the hit someplace else. Even then, think twice.


7.) Trade in your trinkets for [item]Hourglass of the Unraveller[/item] from Black Morass, [item]Bloodlust Brooch[/item] from badges or my top pick for you is [item]Romulo's Poison Vial[/item], an amazing item for those of us short on hit.


8.) Cloak is fine for now but if you are EXTREMELY hardcore about wanting to improve your character in raids, you could have Benny or someone craft you a [item]Vengeance Wrap[/item].


9.) As for weapons. This is where you are probably getting hit the hardest on the site. With minimal AV grinding since S4 is out today, you could get [item]Merciless Gladiator's Slicer[/item] and [item]Merciless Gladiator's Quickblade[/item]. Each is a huge upgrade and just as importantly, they have +hit on them. 27k honor and 40 EotS tokens... GOGO.


Now just a quick word about your spec. Of course it's purely a matter of preference but you will get a huge DPS increase if you take the 3 out of Imp Eviscerate and the 2 points out of Imp Expose Armor (it pisses warriors off anyway) in Assassination and Blade Twisting in Combat and get 4 points in Vile Poisons (assassination tree). Imp Gouge is kind of a waste in raids so I would move those points to Lightning Reflexes. Again, personal preference.


Anyway, I was bored and wanted to throw some advice out there. I'm sure I missed some things because I was just jumping around while watching TV and doing laundry but I think this will give you something to work on depending on how seriously you want to improve your toon.

Edited by Daghostmaker

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Same here lol.. also..


"WARNING: probably caught in PVP gear!

Misenchanted items: 1

Merciless Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm: Glyph of the Gladiator"


If you only have 1 misenchanted item, that means you dont have 15 Resil on your PvP chest.

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If you only have 1 misenchanted item, that means you dont have 15 Resil on your PvP chest.



Aye.. it makes me sad that I'm using my PvP chest for PvE :pinch: ... 26 badges Ghostie!! .. and then I can have 2 misenchanted items on here! lol

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i would like a ghostyman criticism post.

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Actually alot of what I posted about Swaloads would apply pretty universally. There isnt a HUGE amount of variety in the gear out there. What I posted above is about the best gear imo you can get from heroics (badges and drops), Kara and crafting (not counting mats from BT/Hyjal or Sunwell). This would get your toon ready for T5 content where more gear options would open up.


Worst thing is that as much as it kills me to say it Benny, switch to swords. The proc is way better than mace stun in raids and increases your DPS by a ton.

Edited by Daghostmaker

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