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SO I've seen this site floating around a few times and went to check it out. Seems pretty cool, it basically rates your gems/enchants/spec/gear and somehow weighs it and gives you a score. Based off of the score it shows two bars; a red bar that shows where you can find most of your upgrades, and a blue bar that shows where you would perform well in with your current level of gear. It also gives some helpful tips when dealing with caps (hit, defense, crushing, etc).




I scored 247.40 in my Prot gear, upgrades found in end BT, and I could perform well in mid-end Sunwell with my current level of gear.


220 for Ret :o

Edited by Adramelach

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237 in resto gear, upgrades in BT perform will in mid sunwell.

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"Erlin: character cannot found in the database. Most probably the Armory is down and there is no previously cached snapshot of this character in our database."


am i doing it wrong?

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Register quickly and force an armory update


Erlin you scored 212.62, upgrades found mid ssc/tk, suitable for mid bt/mh.


Things to help: Sublety over Spell Pen on cloak


One low level item, your Mark of Defiance


Low spell hit, 5 more rating or put another point in Shadow Focus


5 points is a waste in Shadoweaving, you only really need 3-4 to keep stacks up


Suitable for PvE > PvP > Grinding

Edited by Adramelach

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yea i had to do a guild query to find myself.


i think its pretty on point as to where i was when i stopped raiding, which was at the end of ssc, mid TK.


i was waiting to finish the rep grind for HH or keepers of time whichever gets me the sublety recipe which is why i settled


i liked 5/5 shadow weaving mainly cause i was the ONLY spriest for the longest time and fights like morogrim if you get watery graved, coming back you might get unlucky and it wont proc then you'll have to restack.


i like how im defending myself against reccomendations from the site.

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Finn......I couldn't read the rest of this post after noticing your avatar.




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255.37, sunwell for upgrades, and past sunwell for what i am ready for.

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Well hot diggity dog! 23.84! And it says I shouldn't be raiding at all!! Laters all!

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Well hot diggity dog! 23.84! And it says I shouldn't be raiding at all!! Laters all!

My prayers have been answered!

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Finn......I couldn't read the rest of this post after noticing your avatar.






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It doesn't like my pvp gear :<




Edit: it says i'd perform well deep in BT/Hyjal O.o

Edited by Atrus

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Its bitching at me for not enchanting my boots/chest. Tell me o' wise ones, what good will 150hp do me as a ranged dps.

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Ok so my tank set is rated 234.39. The site's mad at me for still using 3 Kara pieces and a blue crafted trinket. Lol. The worst part is my healing gear is rated higher. >_>

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i dunno everyone has their own quirks and reasons why they do things. certains specs are very situational and that site doesnt really take that into account.

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The site tells you to enchant you chest with +6 or whatever because it measures how to optimize your performance and +6 stats while only a slight boost is better than +0. And as for specs being situational, they have a forum that you can go post your spec and their assessments of specs is based off of like 2 years of accounting for those posts. I'm pretty sure they are working on a more comprehensive and informative spec tool.


Nonetheless, I logged out in 1/2 PvP gear but Ghost's score is in the 240 neighborhood is all PvE gear. Mid BT and Hyjal for upgrades, mid Sunwell for performance.

Edited by Daghostmaker

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