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Finally Over!!


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So for the past 30 days i've been on the most intense workout plan that i have ever gone through in my life.


And Mikey B has bugged me a few times for my workout plan so i figured i post this one for anyone else considering the success of the recent weightlifting topic


This plan included extreme daily workouts that left my physically exhausted afterwords barely able to life my arms to eat my dinner.


This plan also included a complete diet change removing anything that could be considered unhealthy and stacking myself with tons of protein going over 200g of protein a day.


Things eaten the most during this plan:

- about 5 eggwhites per day

- 50+ grilled chicken breasts

- Canned tuna

- Peanuts and beef jerkey for snacks


And other various things to mix up the diet because i have gotten intensely sick of eggwhites, chicken and beef jerkey by now.


For extra protein i drank a double dose of Gold Standards: 100% Whey as my afterworkout shake


Heres before and after pics:


Before: This is about 2 months before i actually started my plan so its a 3 month difference from the next picture


edit: dont mind my face... i went to sleep forgetting i wanted to take a picture for future reference so i dragged myself out of bed to take a few real quick ;)




After: Taken day 30 of my workout plan (today)




I also have logs of my lifts for every day including amount of reps and weight, but they are on large sticky notes attached to the wall near my bowflex so it may take me some time to turn them into a word document.


If anyone wants my log or any other information about my plan just let me know

Edited by Wintress

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You know that diet can kill you right?


I ride a sportbike every day... so im a little crazy to begin with.


But no i havent heard that this diet can kill me and i am sort of curious as to how?

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looking great Q. but is it really finally over? keep on working out or you'll have to do it again. maintain, maintain & maintain. i'm glad i don't have an average body type, i like not having to workout =D

Edited by loofa

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WTB Logs/Plans. I just started dieting and I'm thinking of going to a gym as well so would be some nice useful information =D

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Dude you are about to blow out your jugular in that 2nd picture but those are some awesome results.


Are you gonna keep it up or are you done? With gains like that, you should stick with it for a while. I know that diet sucks though =D I did something similar back in college.

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No im most definitely going to keep it up... i just wont be stressing my brains out trying to cram 200+ grams of protein per day...


I'll continue on eating health and high protein foods but probably less protein shakes and i'll take more rest days from working out or just spread out my workouts more.


Haha yeah i've gotten pretty veiny haha, but i'll work on turning all of my notes into a log that i can copy and paste, you'll have to remember though that i did 100% of my workouts on a bowflex so i was semi-limited to what i could work and how i could work it.

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200g protein.. 5 eggwhites a day.. 50 chicken breasts.... alright.


Aaaand how much weed did you smoke during this 30 days?


btw In the second picture, you look like you're tensing so hard you're about to soil yourself. Easy, my brother. Patience.

Edited by Ravenheart

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I don't have time to work out...So I joined the stagehand's union and got horses. Problem solved :mrgreen:




But seriously, careful with that diet; Excess of protein isn't just a fat-trap it can srsly F*** you up.

Edited by Feanore

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200g protein.. 5 eggwhites a day.. 50 chicken breasts.... alright.


Aaaand how much weed did you smoke during this 30 days?


btw In the second picture, you look like you're tensing so hard you're about to soil yourself. Easy, my brother. Patience.


Three bowls to be honest :)


An old friend came in from town and wanted to party but alcohol wasn't in my diet

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I'd like to know more about how excess protein can hurt you... All I've heard are that it dehydrates you, which is moot, because you should be drinking a sh!t ton of water as it is, and second, that you could get a calcium deficiency, which is also moot if you eat right and take vitamins. As far as supposed kidney problems, it seems this is only a danger if you have pre-existing issues. If I am wrong about this, please post links so I can read up. I think part of what it comes down to is "excess" is defined for somebody that sits on their ass all day. Gym rats naturally use, and need, a lot more of just about everything. As an anecdote, I know guys that consume ridiculous amounts of protein in their diet, with no apparent negative side effects except smelly farts.

Edited by Hvilelos

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Second pic, no face no proof!


hehe. Wow man, that's really impressive! Good work, I'm sure it feels great.

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I'd like to know more about how excess protein can hurt you... All I've heard are that it dehydrates you, which is moot, because you should be drinking a sh!t ton of water as it is, and second, that you could get a calcium deficiency, which is also moot if you eat right and take vitamins. As far as supposed kidney problems, it seems this is only a danger if you have pre-existing issues. If I am wrong about this, please post links so I can read up. I think part of what it comes down to is "excess" is defined for somebody that sits on their ass all day. Gym rats naturally use, and need, a lot more of just about everything. As an anecdote, I know guys that consume ridiculous amounts of protein in their diet, with no apparent negative side effects except smelly farts.


Oh God I can't believe I'm about to say this but...organic chemistry is about to come in handy! (and just when I thought I'd never use it in real life).


Protein, when processed by your body, is broken down into amino acids, which are the building blocks your body uses to function (everything from digestion, hormone production, proper organ function, immune system, etc). If your body should become saturated with protein, it will pass to your kidneys in tact, where, combined with urea (a chemical), it becomes a ketone, via the dehydrogenation of protein


Protein + Urea --> H2 + Ketone


Ketones, in turn, in large amounts can cause your body to enter a state called Ketosis. I can't really remember what I learned about Ketosis in biology, other than it's a state you usually don't enter naturally but is common in people experiencing starvation; that is, it's a natural appetite suppresant state, and can cause nausea.


God, I can't believe I actually used OChem...

Edited by Ryee

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Thats basically it. Ketosis pretty terrible on your systems. With anything that can change your renal processes your acid/base (ketoacidosis) balance is pretty much shot to hell, taxing the kidneys is never a good thing kids. Sugars and fats are quite essential in maintaining homeostasis.

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Yeah i gotta agree with HV on this one... im sure its possible for the excess protein to hurt me and i may be wrong about this but i feel as though i keep active enough for myself to be safe. Besides the fact that i work 40 hour weeks doing landscaping and construction in 110+ degree weather i also lifted or did cardio every day during those 30 days. I also had to of cunsumed atleast 2 gallons of water just during my 8 hours of work, not even including what i drank for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Sure i guess it CAN hurt me... but for those who know more on the subject. Would it just be a sudden huge hit on myself if it actually happened or would it kind of be a gradual change that i could notice and change it up.


I also ate plenty of sugars and fats during my diet, even though i didn't reall want to... I drank a shitload of juice which is incredibly high in sugar and i eat a lot of canola tortilla's which are pretty heavy in fat... i also throw a scoop or two of mayonase in my tunafish cuz it makes it taste soooo much better :)




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Homeostatis don't play that


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How much protein do I need in a meal if I eat roughly a meal every 2 days or so?

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