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I dont know if anyone had any plans for Sunday night, but i was thinking about either getting a SSC group or a TK run. We wouldn't have to do a full clear in either. We could play it by ear and just go after the bosses that the group wants to do. If anyone is interested in doing it. Also I have experience in SSC for all the bosses, but I wouldnt feel confident in myself leading the raid so if someone would be able to lead it that would be awsome

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Hey, I would defanitly be game for either SSC or TK. I don't know all the fights in either place well enough to lead it, but I could always help anyone that runs it. I also have both my shammy and rogue that need them both, would prefer to take my shammy tho, do to her being my main and all. but on some bosses, if I could toss my rogue in instead for different Lootz, then i'd be happy with that.

Either way, Count me in.




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Keld, Beck and I are more than comfortable with all the SSC and TK fights, outside of Kael since we've never even attempted it. We can lead the raid.

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Now yet again, it would be nice if we could get a Tk or SSC raid posted on the Raid Signups, so that way we can make sure we have what we need, and if we need to pug a few, we already know what we have to work with and to look for. But that's just my opinion, i'm sure I can always call in a few of any class if needed. but i'd prefer to keep as much as possible in guild. and I do believe most of the rest of us that need the raids, would prefer to keep it in guild too.

That's all up to Stang and the rest of the GLer's tho.





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Father still needs Vashj and Kael (and Fathom-Lord) for my MH ring and BT neck quests. We won't get those guys down if we take alts though, and I'm not so interested in wiping in T5 instances. :D

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Since I know you didnt click the link, I will throw it out there that my mage scored about the same as your priest on be.imba.hu. That's a site that measures gear, gems, enchants and spec in a PvE setting and shows where gear upgrades can be found. It also shows where you would be able to perform well. Since I have been through all the fights on my rogue, I'm confident that I wont have a problem keeping up. I don't particularly like wiping all night either so know that if I wasn't positive I could perform, I wouldn't have even bothered mentioning it.


Regardless, I'm looking forward to helping if I'm available.

Edited by Daghostmaker

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Father still needs Vashj and Kael (and Fathom-Lord) for my MH ring and BT neck quests. We won't get those guys down if we take alts though, and I'm not so interested in wiping in T5 instances. :D


who cares if you wipe, if you get the job done you get it done.

Edited by Blood

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Not every piece yet! I've waiting forever for that silly helm to drop off Naj'entus, and patiently waiting for the all the healers that want them to get their trash cape and ring, then I'll have all the crap no one else wants! XD


Actually, kinda hurts my feelings but Armorylite rates my healing gear and pvp healing gear higher than my tank gear. >_>

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I'd love to go to SSC or TK, really want to get my Vashj and Kael vials =D


I could go as shadow or holy if we're lacking healers, I don't mind as long as this thing actually gets going.

Edited by Raeni

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I can tank or DPS a sunday evening run. I've tanked everything except Kael(Vashj unsuccessfully) and I have a passive uncrushable set that makes Tidewalker a joke.


Edit: I also have a full NR set for Hydross.

Edited by Beckbristow

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We'll probably need you in your nature set for hydross. I *should* be able to handle tidewalker if you want to spec back to fury.

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My wife and I have to go to VA beach on Sunday to visit her grandma...but I don't think we'll be there more than a few hours. I *should* be back in time for the raid.

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Since I know you didnt click the link, I will throw it out there that my mage scored about the same as your priest on be.imba.hu. That's a site that measures gear, gems, enchants and spec in a PvE setting and shows where gear upgrades can be found. It also shows where you would be able to perform well. Since I have been through all the fights on my rogue, I'm confident that I wont have a problem keeping up. I don't particularly like wiping all night either so know that if I wasn't positive I could perform, I wouldn't have even bothered mentioning it.


Regardless, I'm looking forward to helping if I'm available.

Cool site! I hadn't seen that before...

(I guess Father would score better if I hadn't logged out in Shadow resist gear, with Riding Crop on and Ruby Slippers for hearthing - heh)


I'm the last person who will complain about people interested in gearing their alts up (having 5x 70s, 4 of them full-epic)... But yeah, like I said, as long as the group has the firepower and experience to down all of the bosses we attempt with 1 wipe or less it's cool.


Obviously your mage is geared enough for SSC, as are 3 of my alts. So don't take anything personal - I'm just saying my main goal for T5 runs would be to quickly get Vashj and Kael down so I can go get my Hyjal Exalted rep ring, so of course that would go better if people are on their mains that they are used to 25-man raiding with. Wiping all night on Morogrim or something wouldn't do anything for me, but someone else might be interested in getting a chance at the cool weapons he drops. That's all! :)

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I'd even be down for straight to Kael/Vashj runs, but there are some good upgrades that I'd like to see from other bosses as well. Not to mention I need to kill Al'ar with my disguise on.

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I'm down with heading straight for Vashj and kael but i would also like to do karathress to get the bt quest started but im good with what ever the grp would want to do

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Im saved for a ssc and tk with 4/6(hydross not down) cleared in SSC and 3/4 TK and since im sure six sevens wont be doing vashj and kael this week. im sure they wouldnt mind us trying them out.

Edited by Blood

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