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ok so, i really want to play PAINTBALL but unfortunately i don't know enough people who go outside, so i figured maybe FP would be interested???


so my question to you IS[ARE], WHO wants to play paintball, WHERE can we play paintball, and WHEN will/can paintballing occur.


any ideas? i don't know of any places myself but apparently some exist, so help me out here. maybe we can go during the massive summer [lols i wrote supper at first] party? who knows. someone please give me some information. thank yous.

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Dude, Amanda... we've got approximately 39 bazillion arenas within a loogie-hack's distance from us.




Let's DOOO EET! O_O!


Edit: In retrospect, I got 50g says you get shot once, you're done. THATSRIGHTISAIDIT!

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omg its so fun!


i use to do it alot have my own gun in stuff with mods its sweet



but it gets to be expensive specially if your trigger happy and blow through paintballs like water


it is pretty amazing


this one time i shot this guy in the adams apple... i felt hella bad but couldnt help but laugh at the way he was talking lol

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My uncle used to own and operate a paintball field and those things leave some serious bruises from what I've seen on the guys in my family.

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Most of the good paintball fields are up north. Like north, north in the woods. Theres a few in town but they're mainly the 12yo kids you wanna beat into the Monster can they just drank.


Wildfire, Arkenstone (not sure if it exists anymore), and Paintball Atlanta were the popular ones back when I worked\played.


Few tips.


Call a few places you would want to goto for prices. Some places are ridiculous with paint, its usually best when going with a group to buy a case of paint. Its $100+ dollars but you get 2000 rounds. You basically are paying for how much you shoot. On the average you can shoot 50-200 rounds a game or like my brother you can empty 1000 rounds without letting off the trigger. Get there early. Wear clothes you jsut threw out, long sleeves\pants. Rentals and field fees vary but are around $20-30 for the day, not counting paint.


Its alot of fun. Expect to get sweaty and a little dirty. Take water with you. Check the weather if its an outdoor field (I think outdoor fields are the best). Some will let you play in the rain. Its like football in the rain... more fun and A LOT more messy.


If you are worried about getting shot, its going to hurt. If you are more worried about shooting someone else, you probably won't even notice getting hit.

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ABC, wait til Fall. It's too damn hot right now!!!`1


oh suck it up, you woman!

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I'm kinda interested to see what happens once she gets shot. I'm betting she will stop :) It hurts more than you think lol

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I'm kinda interested to see what happens once she gets shot. I'm betting she will stop :) It hurts more than you think lol


this is why i'm not going, i've got no desire to be covered in bruises. i know i'm a sissy girl, not even going to try to prove otherwise

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I've done it a few times. A friend at work used to be a pro paintballer, on ESPN and crap and had sponsorships.

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I don't have anyone to paintball with anymore =(


I miss it.


That's it. I'm getting my gun.


I used to play a lot of paintball/airsoft when I lived in Maine. Had a 13 acre backyard, and we sectioned a good portion of it and used to play for entire weekends. Was sooo much fun. CTF, VIP Escort, Survivor. I miss playing those. =(

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Airsoft is ftw, I've still got my M24 bolt action, Glock 18C, and 2 M92FSes :D


Nice. 1 M92FS here, along with a FAMAS. My friends fought dirty and bought hi-cap mags though. >:( Kind of a pain in the rear when someone charges you with an MP5 with a clip with a 100 round capacity. We evetually took all the hi-cap mags and hid them. >_>

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haha even the gay has done this more than a few times before!


getting shot does suck, but unless theyre like...within 10 feet of you or have some ridiculously jacked gun, its usually only a red circle/slight welt. although i did have a nice third nipple for about a week after coming around a tree and getting shot point blank.


outdoor fields rock my face off. theres a place about 5 minutes from my house that does this. 9 different fields spread out across a ridiculous amount of land (right next to the air force base...i guess this is the only thing the goverment would allow so close), all in the woods. one is capture the flag (wooden fort in middle, flag on 3rd floor), one with this really ridiculous trench in the middle that is damn near impossible to climb out of if the bridge is occupied....one with a few tunnells hollowed out in a clay ... hill (big hill, and yes im sure its probably dangerous...could collapse on you) a speedball field, etc.


all in all i've enjoyed it. never really liked those kids who brought their own modded guns, takes a bit of the sport out of it when you go with a group of 30 and 3 of them are mowing people down while the rest of us can only shoot one at a time...but yeah.


Paintball Charleston

Edited by Ryee

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Adrenaline > Pain


I've gone through paintball matches where I charged the objective with multiple people shooting me and not realized it until the ref started yelling at me to stop shooting. The only time it stings is when you lose that high and are stationary when you get pelted. Even then it's not bad. Outdoor arenas with makeshift urban settings are my favorite. Nothing like going house to house with a paintball gun after stalking someone through the woods.


Defeintely wear looser fitting clothing. A t-shirt with a thick, but not heavy, longsleeve shirt(old military utilities work amazing) over top will keep you relatively cool and lessen the impact of the round. The last time I played I made the mistake of wearing a tight under armor shirt under my utilities and took the jacket off because it was so hot. Not a good idea.

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The trick is, if you never look at yourself, you never know if the ball broke or not. So, unless you get hit in the goggles, you dont stop shooting until a ref calls you out!


But on the flip side of that, you could end up with 20 welts from one game. Don't stop till they drop!

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haha idk about you guys but up here is Canada, a few times went out in the winter with frozen paintballs....yaa now that HURT


but all in all its a fun time!

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oh suck it up, you woman!


Man, will you ever rue the day I heard you say this! Bwahaha!


I think one team should wear turbans. I'm just sayin'...

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I used to do it a bunch with my friends back in HS. Man have I got some stories to tell you guys, I'd start here, but I need to be in person or it's not going to make any sense.



Urban + speedball = WIN!

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I'm kinda interested to see what happens once she gets shot. I'm betting she will stop :) It hurts more than you think lol


i actually have a fairly high tolerance for pain! surprising i know!

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