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It's worth it Bishop :) The game is perfect! I'm already on my second run through trying to do it without any alarms.

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Lol, ive been killing everyone like 10 times, in act 1 there are so many levels where the local militia just keep running out to their death, than i send mk2 to go grab weapons and get me drebin points, as it is, my m4 is completely hooked up, dot sight/scope, laser sight, flashlight, under barrel shotgun/grenade launcher!


From reading online this is like the only gun you will ever need, and considering you can put airfoils in the under barrel shotgun, that means that i will also be able to use it for a no killing/no alerts run after i beat the game!

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I played a little demo of Heavenly sword on the PS3... and the demo almost got me to buy a PS3. I thought it was awesome, and I've heard other good things about it. MSG4 I've nothing but great great things about it, and yes, Honki is REALLY tough to impress.

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I keep forgetting to use the stupid MkII. I usually just find a good spot and kill people until they leave me alone or someone stops bumping into my barrel.

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yeah I have yet to use the Mk. II the first time through I got the panther award for not leaving anything alive >:)

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The mk. II is fantastic, especially in large sneak levels, where you are crawling an effin mile. It helps so much from getting shot and having to redo an entire zone. Ive already mentioned it kicks ass with grabbing dropped weapons. You can also use it to divert enemy attention, just unstealth it around and enemy, and let him chase it, leaving you an opening to get by, or grab/interrogate.

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LOL Sneaking missions. I usually only crawl if I have to move under some sort of obstacle, otherwise I crouch. I bought a silencer and it lasted like 2 minutes. Never again.

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I remember my old roommate used to do that in 3... then he got to the River of souls. Almost took 45 minutes to get through it!

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LOL Sneaking missions. I usually only crawl if I have to move under some sort of obstacle, otherwise I crouch. I bought a silencer and it lasted like 2 minutes. Never again.




Silencers = win, just buy 20 silencers at a time, they are cheap, and stop the enemy from knowing where you are.

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The M14 is my favorite for sniping. The M4 was my run n' gun buddy. I have another favorite but I don't want to spoil it :) But if you've gotten it, you know what gun I mean >:)

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either change your sig Bishop...or condense all your posts to 1






shut down you computer, turn off you monitor, and go to bed.

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lol beck I'm not surprised that you kill everyone!


I actually went out and bought a PS3 the other day when i got my new tv for my new place! So I'm defiantly going to have to pick up MSG4. What is the replay value on it, should i rent or buy?

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I've never made it past the first anything in MGS without snapping and going freak on a leash killing everything that moves.



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The last boss fight can suck my bawls. 9 freagn attempts to finish it. x_x

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lol seriously?! I only played it on normal but if its the one i'm thinking of... I didn't think it was hard ^_~

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Heh, i just got to act3 last night, i havnt had much time to play any games :(. I should have payed attention to what i had to do, because for like 15 minutes i was wonder what was wrong. i was killing the rebels that i was supposed to follow, anyway, if you kill too many of them (and i did), its mission failed :(


I kind of treat those 1 hour sequences like i do trigori boss explanations... i smoke cigs/zzz. JUST KIDDING TRIG!!! actually im not, lol?

Edited by Bishop

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