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Well crap. I figured that, but I was hoping by now the whole "this game is x-platform exclusive" would be done away with in favor of more profit and wider player base.


When MGS2 came out I bought a PS2 just to play it and GTA3. There is no way in hell I can justify buying a PS3 just to play MGS4.


That just sucks.

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I got my gunmetal PS3 the other day cause I'm an uber nerd, but I havn't had chance to play it and probably wont till next weekend >.<

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yea special mgs4 bundle with gunmetal ps3.

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I heard that GTA4 sucks on the PS3 in comparison to the 360. Something about the control scheme or something.

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Meh I already have GTA4 on 360. I REALLY want to play MGS4 but I just can't justify buying a PS3 for one game. Maybe if I started buying newer games for it later on(Mercenaries 2, Street Fighter 4, ect...) it would pay off, but I just don't know. Although I guess it does have a Blu-Ray player built in right? That might be an incentive to get one.

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Blu-ray, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, MGS4, and other stuff coming out

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im getting a ps3 for starwars... cant wait...






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When Final Fantasy comes out.... That will be the day I buy a PS3.

Edited by Jonbond

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I got my gunmetal PS3 the other day cause I'm an uber nerd, but I havn't had chance to play it and probably wont till next weekend >.

damnit tom. you were suppose to be done by the time I got home. I was planning on playing it next weekend.

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When Final Fantasy comes out.... That will be the day I buy a PS3.


same thing for lemontree =P


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same thing for lemontree =P

Lots of talk that it's also coming for the other two consoles.

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yea beck

The only reason why you should get a ps3 is because it is one of the least expensive blu ray players on the market.

MGS4 looks sweet so that is a perk. Ratchet and Clank is cool but i don't think its your style, uncharted is really cool too but its rentable. Warhawk is a PS3 exclusive game and its pretty cool too and its the only one with lasting appeal (because it has multiplayer). Next on my list is to buy a Ps3 because of Blu Ray + PS3 exclusive games, someone mentioned Final Fantasy its gonna rock and its gonna be PS3 exclusive.


Summary: If you have $500 to spend and you still need a Blu Ray player get a PS3


ps. first post on these forums, sup FP

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So I spent all day at work figuring out how I could justify buying a PS3 and when I got to Gamespot the chick there helped me too. I bought one. I have MGS4. It's badass.

Edited by Beckbristow

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I gots the gunmetal ps3 as well XD. The game is bloody amazing, and I'm rather difficult to impress. SNAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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I gots the gunmetal ps3 as well XD. The game is bloody amazing, and I'm rather difficult to impress. SNAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Wait, Honki just said he enjoyed something and used the word "bloody".... clearly he's been replaced by his evil British twin

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Uncharted is trash. The ONLY thing that's good about it is that it looks so clean.


I want to buy a PS3 JUST to play MGS4 as well beck so I feel your pain. I also am a fan of motorstorm, but it's not even part of my justification for buying a ps3 as it's so cheap at this point :3

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Not only is the blueray player one of the cheapest on the market, it's actually one of the best.

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ive been waiting impatiently for so long, and finally old snake is here! The single reason i wont be raiding much this week... is because of MGS4. So enjoy this week, because without me there, you may be able to progress!

Edited by Bishop

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