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Has anyone else here been on an airplane lately and if so have you been delayed.



This past weekend my gf and I flew to Boston to see her friend for a few days. We ended up having over 4 hrs of delays between the 2 flights (2hrs going and 2 returning)

I have no idea what the daily going was but the one returning was because of the weather that was on the other side of the state. The thing that pissed me off the most was the fact that they boarded us on the plane where we sat for half an hour before they told us to deboard the plane. Then they made us go sit in the terminal for and hour, now keep in mind the storm was still on the other side of the state and never actually made to Boston till after we had left. After we had waited for an hour we did what in my opinion should have done an hour earlier was just to fly around the storm..........ok my rant is over

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My father-in-law is always traveling by air for work and his flights are delayed/cancelled literally like 90% of the time. It's insane...but it could just be his bad luck.


I think I've had a flight canceled once.


The whole sitting-on-the-plane-on-the-tarmac-for-hours thing really, really sucks. On his last flight last week my dad-in-law sat in a plan on the tarmac for 4 hours... The problem is when it comes to weather the pilots can only have a very tiny window to get the plane off the ground so they keep you penned up to try to get the plane moving. Unloading a plan then having to reload it is a very time consuming process.

Edited by Lyssa

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the last time i was on a plane, we had to sit on the runway for 2 hours after it landed because of "overcrowding."


stupidly enough, the flight i took to tokyo and back was incident-free, and they gave us these cool little soy sauce bottles shaped like fish in first class

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Flying pretty much sucks now, on the way back from the last FP winter party my first flight was delayed coming in and I missed the connecting fight home. I got a free hotel room and complained and got a $100 airfare voucher so overall I ended up ahead ^_^

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that may be the only good thing about flying... once they've f'd up they do seem to go out of the way to kiss your ass if you complain. you'd probably have to have a seizure in the middle of mcdonalds to get a free small fry.

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Never get a connecting flight. its only a headache waiting to happen. Never expect to get to your destination on time. Most importantly however, never under any circumstances go to/ around the Birmingham Airport.

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The last time I flew it was to Boston as well. Now, I'm not good at flying.. AT ALL. Hooray for diazepam/valium lol.. We ended up making it to the terminal within minutes of not being able to board the plane (gg alarms that don't go off in the morning ><") and when we finally got ON the plane, the pilot started talking on the intercom about how there was a warning that showed up on their secondary system and had to be checked in to. Not a good thing for me to hear lol.. and then there was something about the wing flaps.. by that point I was having a nervous breakdown and took my meds.. AND THEN.. some stupid b!tch threw up in the sink and we had to wait for the cleaning crew to come on board and take care of it. It was something like an hour an a half before we took off =P

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Flew a few weeks ago.


Dayton -> Minneapolis -> Missoula, MT and back, no problems, no delays; just a lot of waiting in the Minneapolis airport, since there aren't a lot of flights that go to Missoula. The layovers sucked, but but everything with the actual airlines went smooth so it wasn't bad.

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no issues last fight, i hate connection flights... especially when going to an airport that you are not used to then running to next flight. whenever i can fly direct i do, i don't mind driving an hour to get back to the appropriate town,



SFO = best airport ever followed by IAD .

Edited by Jonbond

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