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Articles of Impeachment introduced into the House of Representatives


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Dennis Kucinich is introducing the articles the impeachment against George Bush right now, 35 articles to be exact.



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you know george bush is gonna look at them and be like tl;dr lololol

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It's just stupid. I'm not a GWB fan by any means but this is more 'too little, too late' election year idiocy. Even if there was a chance in hell they were gonna get the process moving to impeach him, his term would long be over before it would finally conclude. Gotta give the left credit for doing it just to get it on the record... I guess.

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Wouldn't it be cool if we impeached him, Then handed him over to Iraq as a war criminal for them to do with what they will...

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I'm with Ghost, I don't see what the point is trying to impeach him this late in the game.

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Kucinich attempted this with Cheney already and it didn't get anywhere because it's pointless.


Why is it pointless? Well for starters "introducing articles" doesn't mean jack. He has to get enough sponsors before it can ever be brought before the house. Even if it is brought before the house it has to go into committee. It will never make it out of committee. Why? Mostly because no one would want to take a chance of creating a backlash. After the Republicans Impeached Clinton, which they seemed to have public support for at that time, they took a hit for it the following November and lost a fair amount of seats in both the House and Senate. If by some crazy fluke it does make it through committee, they will not have a large enough majority to get it passed in the house. Keep in mind that the Dem's lead in the House is not that large and not all of them would vote for this, and Republicans that aren't supportive of Bush will not stray from their party in an election year. They won't get 218 votes.


If by some weird star-aligning moment of twisted fait and wishful thinking it actually made it past the House and he was Impeached, then what? Nothing happens. Nothing would change. It's like a slap on the wrist. They could go before the Senate to try and remove him from office, but that would require a process that would take longer than the time he would have left in office, and they certainly would not have the super majority vote required to remove him. They would need 66 votes in a Senate that is 49/49 Dem/Rep. The GOP couldn't do that with a larger lead in the Senate than the Dem's have now (The Senate in '98 was 45/55 Dem/Rep just for reference). If the Senate acquitted Clinton on perjury and obstruction of justice, which were by far easier to prove than any of the potential charges against Bush, then they will certainly acquit Bush for whatever charge may make it to the Senate.


So I have to ask, why in the world would anyone support that crackpot Kucinich waste taxpayer dollars on something as meaningless and futile as this?


Wouldn't it be cool if we impeached him, Then handed him over to Iraq as a war criminal for them to do with what they will...

Keep in mind that Impeachment is just an Indictment. There's no repercussions to it. It's just a way of saying "hey we think you did something wrong so we might charge you for committing a crime"

Edited by Hykos

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My politcal rants have to be well thought out. Otherwise that commi bastard Igor will tear them apart.

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you know george bush is gonna look at them and be like tl;dr lololol


hahahahahhahah benny

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The only thing this will get Kucinich is attention during an election year. The opinion media will tear him apart for it and his collegues will silence him soon. Everyone knows this move is retarded. It is also a waste of time and resources.

Edited by loofa

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Wouldn't it be cool if we impeached him, Then handed him over to Iraq as a war criminal for them to do with what they will...

I spent about 5 minutes this morning thinking of something to say that didn't involve swear words, but kept getting interrupted with doing actual work. How about this:


If Bush is a war criminal then so am I. Hand me over to Iraq and see what they do to me. Lord knows there are probably still some people over there that I affected in one way or another, be if good or bad. I'm sure even the people I helped wouldn't mind taking the chance to have a go at an infidel.


That being said, I'm going to stay out of the political debates from now on.

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RE: Too little too late philosophy: If impeachment hearings were started (which they won't) and if he were actually impeached (even less likely), allot of what has become classified would be either declassified or at least available for review by congress.


People always talk about Iraq, but what has always bothered me far more about this administration is the domestic spying programs, secret courts, etc...Pro status on the 3rd reich/Orwellian future fronts.


Had a hell week so I'm too tired to elaborate; Feel free to flame away.

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IMO we should make a political / religious debate forum you can enter at your own risk! =)


Dont take anything personally guys, everyone here loves a good debate, not an argument.

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Maybe they shouldnt put fools up for a Presidential Election in the first place.

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The great thing is that Kucinich read all 35 articles of impeachment in the house and it took him around 4 hours and 45 minutes to do it.




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This is a calculated stunt by Kucinich for one reason, and one reason only: to boost his stature with his leftist base. That's it.


Even that little nuttball *knows* that it's a pointless waste of time - and that the reasoning behind impeaching Bush is complete hogwash - but that's not the point.


Dennis "red elf" Kucinich just wants to preach to the choir. He probably (deludedly) vastly overestimates the amount of people as politically whackdoo as himself, and figures maybe if he pads his leftist resume with this then maybe he'll have a shot at the presidency against McCain in 2012.

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Maybe they shouldnt put fools up for a Presidential Election in the first place.


We wouldn't have a president because we would have stopped all the candidates from running in the first place. In short, all candidates for president are foolish. What normally adjusted, sane person actually wants that job? Right! Only a fool would want the job of being president. I pity the fool that gets into the oval office.

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hahahahahhahah benny


thanks abc i was starting to worry, xD

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Issue one, Gil is absolutelty correct in stating that this is a stunt by Kucinich. I'm sure he knows that it's pointless and that he's wasting everyone's time. This doesn't reguard the merit of the issue, which is justified imo, but it's far to late to make any kind of impact. And I'm not sure I'd by the "it's a purely symbolic gesture that needs to be made" line either.


Iusse two, Bush is Amreica's responsibilty. Period. We elected him, wether you voted for, against, or didn't vote at all, it's becase of your actions/inactions that he's in office right now (please God don't let this de-evolve into a rant about how elections are a sham, I don't think that there's anyone compitient enough to pull off something like that). I really wish everyone would stop blaming their problems on the President and take some freaking responsibility for their own actions.


Mind you I think he's a twit and voted against him, but that doesn't change where we stand now. I drive a gas hungry car and I don't complain about the price of gas, I made a choice and now I'm responsible for that choice. As the American people are in this reguard. We made a choice (at least one time anyway) and now we're dealing with the consequences.

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But elections are a sham. The masses will vote for A or B (they have been conditioned to do such) with out ever thinking about other possible systems of government.

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I drive a gas hungry car and I don't complain about the price of gas, I made a choice and now I'm responsible for that choice.



That's right Ecth, keep putting money in my pocket. /Big Oil for Life

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thanks abc i was starting to worry, xD


c'mon now, you know i'm your personal laugh track! i'm always here to back you up XD



oh and... as for politics... i thought kucinich sounded cool for a while. then i realized i'm too violent to be a democrat. so i dunno what to do now. in any case its too late for impeachment of anything.... except your pants. wait, what?

Edited by Klaudia

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I love starting threads.


Anyway, I don't think this is a stunt by Kucinich in that I believe he really does want Bush to be impeached. I don't think that he's just doing this to increase his popularity, I think he duly believes it's his responsibility. He is very unlikely to lose his seat in Congress.


Grandstanding? Well, that's what Congressmen do. They renamed french fries, and in the time it took to do that, we probably paid them millions of dollars.


What excites me is if a Democrat takes the Oval and declassifies all the goodies!

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