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My mom adopted me and raised me with the orcs. I grew up playing in the yard while my brothers got to play any place in the woods. Mom tol me it was not safe for me to go out in the woods. "The UNDEAD will eat you" she would say. It was about fall that year I went along with her for a walk down to the apple fields. She warned me that both of us hade to be carefull. Well something strang appeared in the shadows saying "I am going to eat your son!" No my mother cried NOOOO

she sayed RUN! Well I ran so fast that soon I was lost in s snowie part of a mountain area. Hey what are you doing here I heard a voice. Awe your a night elfe hhhuhhh What are you doin way out here? said someone.

Hello hello I said scared. I am a dwarf hunter Malikies is me name. Now what are ya doin here? I told him that I was going to be eatin by a undead when he aimed his gun and shot toward me blood apeard on the ground that undead was accually dead. WOW you killed him. You saved me YOU SAVED ME!!!!!! Are just in a days work. Now lets go eat.


While eating at the table I saw something I never seen before oooooo

im sorry I cant eat this what is it its so bad.


HUH you night elves always eat these there called RABITS. Im sorry sir I said I dont mean to be rude. However I grew up with Orcs. I new i was differnt but I didnt know how.



To be continued...........................................................


If anyone has any ideas on wich way this story could go please feel free let me know how ya like it also :}

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Make is so that this dwarf guy has a hot adopted daughter and you two sneak off to play "scrabble" then the orc family comes looking for you cause they miss you.. and they don't find you, but they find your new father, and kill him.. then you and your new sister come home, find him, cry and vow to get revenge on every orc across the land. Then.. then you fall in love for realz and want make nightelf babies and train them to do your biddingon all horde but you hesitate!! ... and then on the eve of your most importatnt battle, make it so the ghost of your dwarven father appears in the stars and does the whole Lion King speech. Oh but before that, make it so the girl gets kidnapped by Orcs and you have to not only defend her honor, but the honor of your people, your home, and your past. or something.. Then, right after you land a near fatal blow on the main orc commander, peel off his helmet to reveal that it is the ORC FATHER WHO TOOK YOU IN as a baby!! You should make it so they have some sort of "I loved you as my own son" and "You will always make me proud, Papa" and cry alot. then... as he dies, his hand opens and you see a gold shiny key to the cage they are keeping the girl in. You go get her, spin her around and kiss her, and tell her you want to go home now. She asks, "where is your home" and you say "With you, my love~"



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they also need to be living in a double wide trailer on abuot 600 acres of land outside a very common used pasture of cows being milked by 56 midgets named bob singing songs of love happiness and and beer drinking belly flopping men that sit in recliners dreaming of young hot women cleaning houses in notrhing but a french maid uniforms.

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