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Scare beast isn't instant and still have its 1.5sec cast time, even if the tooltip still says "Instant" this is an intended change and the tooltip will be reverted back to 1.5 sec in a later patch. (Source + Explanation)


There is still a bug with Growl that is allowing it to scale with some pet attack power buffs as well as the hunter's attack power. This will be fixed in a future patch, until then enjoy the extra threat from these buffs. (Source)





Bloodfury, Bloodlust Brooch, Bloodrage and Berserker Rage all use Bloodlust's sound effect now. Most of these changes are intended. (Source)



Raids & Dungeons

Hyjal Summit - Archimonde (Possibly bugged)


Fire will now spawn -much- closer to Archimonde, and the pathing is entirely random.

Fire can target and chase Melee. Never possible pre 2.4.2.

Archimonde's hit box size has been increased

MT's are now able to be targetted by Air Burst.


Quests changes


The Quest "The Multiphase Survey", where you retrieve surveys from Nagrand, no longer gives a [shattered Sun Supplies]

Shattered Sun Supplies

Binds when picked up








If you did a Void Shatter before the patch, you will have to wait for the end of the cooldown before you can do "cooldown-free" transmutations. (This isn't really a bug actually, but it will probably save a few questions)




According to a few reports, you cannot powerlevel anymore by DOTing mobs with a level 70 player and leaving the instance before they die. The XP of each mob has been greatly lowered.




[Medallion of the Alliance]Medallion of the Alliance

Binds when picked up



Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei

Requires Level 70

Equip: Improves your resilience rating by 45 (1.14% @ L70).

Use: Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. (2 Min Cooldown)



and [Medallion of the Horde]

Medallion of the Horde

Binds when picked up



Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, Blood Elf

Requires Level 70

Equip: Improves your resilience rating by 45 (1.14% @ L70).

Use: Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. (2 Min Cooldown)



are already available for 40 000 from the honor vendors and you won't have to wait for the beginning of Season 4.


[Medallion of the Alliance]

Medallion of the Alliance

Binds when picked up



Classes: Rogue

Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei

Requires Level 70

Equip: Improves your resilience rating by 20 (0.51% @ L70).

Use: Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. (2 Min Cooldown)



and [Medallion of the Horde]Medallion of the Horde

Binds when picked up



Classes: Mage

Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, Blood Elf

Requires Level 70

Equip: Improves your resilience rating by 20 (0.51% @ L70).

Use: Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. (2 Min Cooldown)



price has been lowered to 8 000


The proc for [shard of Contempt]

Shard of Contempt

Binds when picked up



Requires Level 70

Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 44 (11.16 @ L70).

Equip: Chance on hit to increase your attack power by 230 for 20 sec.



has been renamed to "Disdain" instead of "Heroism".

[shifting Naaru Sliver]Shifting Naaru Sliver

Binds when picked up



Requires Level 70

Equip: Improves spell haste rating by 54 (3.42% @ L70).

Use: Conjures a Power Circle lasting for 15 sec. While standing in this circle, the caster gains up to 320 spell damage and healing. (2 Min Cooldown)



has been fixed and now affects the caster only.

Caster weapons were not changed from Main-hand to One-hand intentionally. (Source)


Naturalist's Preserving Cinch and Borderland Fortress Grips have been upgraded.




Binds when equipped


187 - 282 DamageSpeed 3.50

(67.0 damage per second)

Durability 120 / 120

Requires Level 60

Chance on hit: Spell damage taken by target increased by 15% for 5 sec.



now has a chance to fail for targets above level 60

[Wushoolay's Charm of Nature]Wushoolay's Charm of Nature

Binds when picked up



Classes: Druid

Requires Level 60

Use: Grants 400 (40% @ L60) spell haste rating, and reduces the mana cost of Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, Regrowth, and Tranquility by 5% for 15 sec. (3 Min Cooldown)

Haruspex's Garb (0/5)

Pristine Enchanted South Seas Kelp

Wushoolay's Charm of Nature

Zandalar Haruspex's Bracers

Zandalar Haruspex's Belt

Zandalar Haruspex's Tunic

(2) Set: Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.

(3) Set: Increases the duration of Faerie Fire by 5 sec.

(5) Set: Increases the critical hit chance of your Starfire spell 3%.



now grants 70 (instead of 400) spell haste rating, and reduces the mana cost of Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, Regrowth, and Tranquility by -5% for 15 seconds. (Screenshot)


[Hazza'rah's Charm of Healing]

Hazza'rah's Charm of Healing

Binds when picked up



Classes: Priest

Requires Level 60

Use: Grants 400 (40% @ L60) spell haste rating and reduces the mana cost of your healing spells by 5% for 15 sec. (3 Min Cooldown)

Confessor's Raiment (0/5)

The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar

Hazza'rah's Charm of Healing

Zandalar Confessor's Wraps

Zandalar Confessor's Bindings

Zandalar Confessor's Mantle

(2) Set: Increases healing done by up to 22 and damage done by up to 8 for all magical spells and effects.

(3) Set: Increase the range of your Smite and Holy Fire spells by 5 yds.

(5) Set: Reduces the casting time of your Mind Control spell by 0.5 sec.



now grants 70 (instead of 400) spell haste rating and reduces the mana cost of your healing spells by -5% for 15 seconds. (Screenshot)


[Renataki's Charm of Trickery]Renataki's Charm of Trickery

Binds when picked up



Classes: Rogue

Requires Level 60

Use: Instantly increases your energy by [60 - 2 * max(0,PL - 60)]. (3 Min Cooldown)

Madcap's Outfit (0/5)

Zandalarian Shadow Mastery Talisman

Renataki's Charm of Trickery

Zandalar Madcap's Bracers

Zandalar Madcap's Mantle

Zandalar Madcap's Tunic

(2) Set: Increases attack power by 20.

(3) Set: Decreases the cooldown of Blind by 5 sec.

(5) Set: Decrease the energy cost of Eviscerate and Rupture by 5.



energy bonus is now reduced by 4 points by level after level 60, lowering the energy bonus to 20 at level 70 instead of 40. (Screenshot)




Screens on mmo-champ I just copy/pasted

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Raids & Dungeons

Hyjal Summit - Archimonde (Possibly bugged)


Fire will now spawn -much- closer to Archimonde, and the pathing is entirely random.

Fire can target and chase Melee. Never possible pre 2.4.2.

Archimonde's hit box size has been increased

MT's are now able to be targetted by Air Burst.


Wow this sucks.

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Eh these are both good and bad. Increased hit box size and fires spawning closer to Archimonde mean the raid collectively can stand further away from him and hopefully have more time to GTFO of a fire's path.


The biggest bummer is that Eria can now be air bursted...but we'll see how it plays out I suppose.

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And that melee no longer can have fun and and will now be butt raped by archimonde. Don't forget about that.



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all of the archmonde changes are awful. And seriously MT gets air bursted and while he's in the air 3 people die from Finger of Death or whatever that move is

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...And if another tank is there fighting to stay second on the agro list, he'll probably go flying too, or get chased off by the fires.


Wierd - I wonder what they were thinking?

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