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Just a simple video of yesterday's Rage winterchill fight. Seeing how my computer likes recording during raids, I think this fight is like frapsing 101, I know so many people that like to just start with this boss lol.




Download please and leave some criticism maybe? Idk!


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also next time see if you can get some chicks in bikini's dancing in the background, kinda like the Big Pimpin video =-P

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also next time see if you can get some chicks in bikini's dancing in the background, kinda like the Big Pimpin video =-P


I'll get some blood elves, night elves, draenei and human chicks dancing in their undies on the next video. Maybe one of each in the corner!

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I like your UI :D


Thanks! It probably won't last long though, I get bored quick of my interfaces and usually end up making a new one every week or so.

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