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So i read gryphs comment. And my though process went like this:

1) Gryph comments on lemon's picture

2) Lemon's picture has her in stripper shorts

3) Stripper shorts are kinda like speedos

4) Swimmers wear speedos

5) Gryph is a swimmer

6) *Insert mental picture of Gryph in speedos*


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lawl poor tom i usually stop at number 2 and then take a left

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thanks a lot tom... combined with the mental image from last night of the fat chick with the waffle house tattoo, i need to bleach my eyeballs ; ;

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I've had thoughts paths end that way... usually with me screaming "DEAR GOD WHY!!! WHY IGOR IN PANTY HOSE!!"

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A couple of friends of mine and myself have already considered purchasing the game, like Thorian and Kreytos and a few other wow players. Once it comes out someone should have the testicular fortitude to jump on and pick a server for us weaker masses lol. It would be pretty cool. Other then the game I guess I am just gana try it and hopefully see how entertaining it is.

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man you people are weird! i don't spend a lot of time thinking about people and their clothes. or people without their clothes for that matter.


anywayzzzzz, i've been thinkin about this cause apparently some friends are going to be givin it a shot and i heard a rumor that their crafting system would be kinda similar to lotr before they fracked it up. although that information may be entirely inaccurate.

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ben, you should know by now it's always about my booty.


except lately, now that it's gotten... bigger.


That's not always a bad th-


I'm... going... to go back to my baby crib and never speak again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you guys do get it let me know how it runs on your systems, i've been watching it for a while now it looks good but i think i'd miss the PVE too much. I still might give it a whirl if it's got some good game play though.


If it runs ok post your computer specs so i've got an idea of what you've got.


Mine are....

C2D E6600@ 2.4

4gb DDR2 800mhz RAM


Vista 64bit SP1

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That's not always a bad th-


I'm... going... to go back to my baby crib and never speak again.


man, i just saw this


that might be best, you're like 9 right? ><

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man you people are weird! i don't spend a lot of time thinking about people and their clothes. or people without their clothes for that matter.


Yeah, I never do that...*Starts thinking about Klakla w/out her clothes* :woot:

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