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Ok, it looks awesome. So who is going to be playing it? We need to sort out what server we are going to be joining!

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"I'm just mashing 2" -Dev


Yeah, i'll totally pass on this "WoW Killer".

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wow killer? no, but that doesn't mean its not worth a try. WoW is just too much fun to be replaced, and it wont be for a long time. Raiding kicks ass.

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the company that makes conan (funcom) also makes an mmo i played for roughly six years (anarchy online). the devs and gm's were at dragoncon (huge nerd convention in atlanta) every year, and every year i would hook up with all of them and get wasted. 2 years ago, i think... maybe 3, i dressed up as an anarchy online character and won first place in their costume contest, which netted me a fly ass video card and a free for life conan account. it wasn't the first time i'd dressed as an AO character, but it was the nicest looking of all my AO costumes. i'm pretty sure the fact that my ass was hanging out of my stripper shorts was adding to the appeal.


SO WHO WANTS TO BUY IT FROM ME?! ^^ srsly, i got moufs to feed over hurr~

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so as far as the actual game... as much as i love funcom and all the people involved, anarchy online has left me with very little faith in their ability to pull off a good mmo. yes, i played for 6 years, but i assure you it had VERY little to do with content and actual gameplay, and everything to do with the people i played with. if you think the fp summer parties are nuts, multiply last year's by about 20 and you have the throwdown my old guild had.


there's a somewhat new team of people involved with the development of AoC, but not ENOUGH new people. i was a forum mod on the ao forums, and i modded the conan forums for a very short time and was not impressed with what i saw. not saying it's going to suck, it's just not going to be my cup of tea at all. funcom makes great rpg's (dreamfall!) but falls a tad short when doing mmo's.


last edit/reply: i've seen videos of this game at the last 3 dragoncons. funcom always shows up armed to the teeth with gameplay footage and examples of how pvp and combat will work... and all i can really say is the only thing that's ever impressed me has been the scenery. even the character models made me cringe a little... once they took them away and just started panning around the landscape, the game is really beautiful. OK GOING TO BED NOW BAI

Edited by lemontree

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"I'm just mashing 2" -Dev


Yeah, i'll totally pass on this "WoW Killer".

This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request.


This is actually Atrus' Cyb0rz vid, for Stang's eyes only.


Edited by Feanore

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Now that I've actually seen it, the only conclusion I could come to was that it really is a cyb0rz vid =P

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That vid is just weird.


Some of the others look decent, nothing too impressive though. Seems kind of slow paced.


Looks like the only thing I'll really be drawn away from WoW by is Warhammer.

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Conan will have it's advantages, mostly just in the fact it's Mature rated. Cutting people apart will be cool, and only playing with adults will be nice, though it'll suck to find out that adults are also annoying little piss-ants as some teenagers. I just don't think it'll have / keep the player base to stay around. I almost want to say that the blood and gore will get old after awhile... but seriously who am I kidding, it never gets old.


Wahammer is gonna promise alot and not deliver. There hasn't been a decent warhammer video game ever, and none of them have sold well. Plus GamesWorkshop is having financial problems , which I think will slow things down for the games completion, wasn't it supposed to be out already... by a few months? and they aren't even close to being done with it yet I think?

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Conan will have it's advantages, mostly just in the fact it's Mature rated. Cutting people apart will be cool, and only playing with adults will be nice, though it'll suck to find out that adults are also annoying little piss-ants as some teenagers. I just don't think it'll have / keep the player base to stay around. I almost want to say that the blood and gore will get old after awhile... but seriously who am I kidding, it never gets old.


Wahammer is gonna promise alot and not deliver. There hasn't been a decent warhammer video game ever, and none of them have sold well. Plus GamesWorkshop is having financial problems , which I think will slow things down for the games completion, wasn't it supposed to be out already... by a few months? and they aren't even close to being done with it yet I think?



They pushed back release to 'polish' the game. *shrug* I can hope, right?

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Guys, lets get back on topic...



Edited by Gryph

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Conan will have it's advantages, mostly just in the fact it's Mature rated. Cutting people apart will be cool, and only playing with adults will be nice, though it'll suck to find out that adults are also annoying little piss-ants as some teenagers. I just don't think it'll have / keep the player base to stay around. I almost want to say that the blood and gore will get old after awhile... but seriously who am I kidding, it never gets old.

Yeah, blood, guts and female nudity is totally not going to draw 13 year olds. Totally.




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Guys, lets get back on topic...




^ I'm with the big guy here on this.



Also Warhammer looks trash, and has look trashed since day one. It's promising to rebuild pvp as we know it (Much like fury promised lolololol), but it's proving that it took on too big a task. Blizzard just brought out a 3 quaters ready game that utterly appealed to the masses. You can't compete with that unless like Something as popular as Warcraft became an MMO. Hellgate London tried to put up a fight, and all the WoW kids went back, Warhammer and Age of Conan are going to be next unless at this point they completely refabricate their games. Both of them look like some of the shit you'd see in Elder Scrolls. I'm not impressed, but I will be trying out both of these games if the option is there.

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that's the back of me hanging out at the funcom booth at dragoncon. sadly, those shorts no longer fit at all. anyone who was at the fp-vnv show saw them... i hope you got a good look because there's no way i could squeeze my ass back in those. the 2 people in headphones in the corner of the picture do an AO sponsored radio show that a lot of rp'ers listen to.



.... bringing me to yet another issue i have with AoC... rp'ers. anarchy online was full of goddamn rp'ers. the conan forums were littered with them. i much prefer wow, where rp freaks have their own special corner to play in, or ffxi where rp'ers don't exist. i know in a funcom game, they will be thick on the ground, and goddamn i loathe rp kids.


edit: lifetime free account still for sale! it could be yours! >_>

Edited by lemontree

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when you say hanging out, do you mean hanging out like with buddies? or are you referring to your butt cheeks? i prefer to think its the latter of the two

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Allot of points were brought up and I'm going to try to address them in order of priority:



2. Bishop, that new sig is almost as epic as mine (hard to beat a lolcat though)

3. Blood n' guts: I remember a spree of 'ultra realistic violence' fps games a few years back (And this is the FPS genre where, lets face it, people are more drawn to that sort of thing). I find it funny that the games that *didn't* focus on that area (BF-series, TF2) were and are still more successful because they focused more on mechanics and *over-all* graphics quality.

Also, I think that Blizz was very clever in their choice of art and effects; The use of iconic particle effects (E.g.- Buffs, specials, etc) rather than more literal translations gives them allot of flexibility to create a constantly 'new' feeling experience while maintaining an attractive environment...Sorry, but ultra-realistic isn't really all that fun imo.


4. General game mechanics: Love them or hate them, Blizz does make allot of changes, not just to class-balance, but over-all mechanics on a regular basis. This allows the game to evolve over time more than many others. AoC and Warhammer might be thinking in these terms, but I haven't seen any evidence of this; In the case of Warhammer, the general idea seems to be, as Stang put it, 'One big BG over and over again'. With AoC, they have some really cool ideas like actor collisions (gogo body-blocking), but my over-all impression from what I've seen is just 'meh'.

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boodie whoodie yoooouuuu

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