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Office reactions:


• "It tastes like the hamburgers that you get in elementary school."


• "Oh, auuugh. It's awful. Have these people ever had hamburger before?"


• "Boy, that taste really stays in your mouth, doesn't it?"


• "That was so bad."


• "I think it's more the soggy bun than the meat."


• "No, it really is the meat that's the problem. Oh God."


• "It's like the Salisbury steak in a cheap TV dinner."


• "It's like Upton Sinclair nightmare bratwurst."


• "It tastes like Spam. Spam, but chewy. The texture's about the same."


• "It is a little smushy. It's spongy. I don't hate it. I think I could eat it if it was hotter, and I could dip it in Ranch dressing."


• "I cannot swallow this. It will not go down."


• "It's not quite meat, is it? It looks like freaky airline food."


• "It tastes like beef-flavored something. Beef-flavored matter."


• "It's a really dense meat-like puck."


• "When I first tasted it, it didn't bother me, but it festered." "Really? I gagged the second it hit my tongue."


• "It was still way better than I thought it was going to be. It wasn't nearly as slimy." "Yeah? It was exactly as bad as I thought it was going to be."


• "It's pretty much like a dog-food patty."


• "It tastes like something that was dropped on the floor. It tastes like a 7-Eleven hamburger that's been sitting around in the store for a couple weeks."


• "It's like this chicken-fried steak that I got once at a disreputable diner, then left in the fridge for three days, then ate in a drunken stupor. No, it's a little worse than that."

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• "Boy, that taste really stays in your mouth, doesn't it?"



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ROFL from the site:



Cheeseburger in der Dose



LOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Dooooooooooooooooooose

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ROFL from the site:

Cheeseburger in der Dose

LOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Dooooooooooooooooooose




This thread made my stomach hurt. The mere thought of one of these things is nauseating.

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Order one of these for me and I'll eat it in Atlanta if I can scrounge the time off from work.

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Apparently you may need to tell your employer that you'll be on sick leave after you eat it

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