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omg we wtfpwn: Enlighten and FP are UNSTOPPABLE!

Ceridia won Shoulders

Logains won... pants?



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GJ to everyone that was there.We'll be at Sulfuron with out a doubt next week. Still no love for leather wearers, though. /sigh. I guess our time will come one day.


How was the Falcons game Shoop?

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Shoop we talked to Shazz. We got him to about 30% before he got us.


Oh, did I mention we only had 30 people against him.





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We should be up to Domo in the next run or 2. Golemagg and Solfuron (spl?) are cake compared to Baron.



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The runs last night went really goood. Especially Shazz with only 6 groups.


Soon, veryyy sooon! All of MC will bow down before the might of FP!



FP > MC = FTW!

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Yep I saw it I was there I was all like omg people are dying and people were like omg we're dying and I was all like zomg we need to do something so I was all like "Kaslor DI ME NOW FTWzomghax" and Kaslor was all like "I give my life for the survival of the team zomg evil has to be st0pzord" and then like Kaslor died but I was out of combat and then I yelled "GO GO RED POWER RANGER" and zomg then I was like ub3r and I was running around rezzing people when they died and then Gheddon was like "Oh Noes" and then because we were in like the center of like the earth the people from the captain planet show were there with the rings and they were like "Earth!" "Fire!" "Wind!" "Water!" "Less than 3!" (that means Heart or <3 for those of you who didn't understand) And then the green dude came out and he was going to help us fight the baron but the baron was like zomg hax0rz and made the captain dude the bomb and the captain dude didn't know what to do so he ran back to his friends then he blew up and they all died and I couldn't combat rez them becacuse the n00bs spirit healed but I like kept rezing and rezing and then the baron was dead and Logains being the l00t wh0r3 he is, he definitely just like took the dudes boots off of him and I was like whoa my boots are better than those. I think that recaps last night. FPFTMFW

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ROFL Val...that was close...but it needed a disclaimer:


"Dramatization" smile.gif




it was more like...


"someone DI me so i can get out of combat and rez!"


then when it was done...


"i liked that...i think i will stay out of combat more often to rez" smile.gif


ROFL smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif VALDEZ FTFW

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Cer, what is that, your 3rd sig in like 2 weeks :P


Just had to get the new one made didn't you.



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The only thing I really noticed was...


"Joesf is the Bomb"

"Joesf is the Bomb"

"Joesf is the Bomb"

"Joesf is the Bomb"



Sorry to who ever got hit with the last one, I wouldn't have made it out of the circle before I blew so i tried to stay jsut far enough away from everyone.

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There's a lot of clearing between Golemagg/Sulf and Baron/Shaz. Most boring part of MC imo...but it's straightforward. Just clearing all the trash mobs MC has to offer.

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The falcons game was a lot of fun biggrin.gif My friend somehow acquired 4 club seats for free =)


Gyn man.. you don't arrange your UI by class? thats insane =P I <3 arrange by class


People need to start doing the MC quest line (including me) so we can summon Domo when the time comes smile.gif.


And cer just made a new sig so he could show off his shoulders :-P

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yea i arrange by class, the way shoop described it in the CTRA guide he posted many moons ago. also im on that quest line, i just have to get honored with the hydraxian's now

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Yah, I'm on the quest as well, and I think Mir is too.


Oh, and I found deploying my mechanical chicken reduced the amount of being made a bomb from 3/fight to 0. Best pet, eva!

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I should try that!


btw, did you guys pet pull so Gryph wouldn't get the bomb first? since you can dismiss the pet.. yanno=P

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hehe it depends on the fight, how I organize. For Ony, I do it by class during stages one and 3, groups during stage 2.


Because of how far apart we were spread out, keeping it by group was just easier for me to cast an emergency heal on someone I knew it was going to land on rather than targeting someone who was on the otherside of the cave because I couldn't remember where they were. It really just kind of varies. smile.gif

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hehe, I have a mod called RangeRecolor, which colors your spells with a red tint if you are out of range of your target.. its helpful.. alot easier to see =)

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I'll link it tomorrow or something.. I'm not even going to try to get to my add-on sites right now :-P

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