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so i gotta do a simple cultural project in my spanish class and my group got assigned Peru!


we have to addresssss food, music, economy and literature... and stuff...


So anything you guys think might be interesting or that i should try and include or just you know, stuff that only someone in Peru would know about would be cool to know!!!




(this was on my forums, but lemon told me you guys troll alot so here i am!!)

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fano, meko, sik, and sikaa, team peru, activate!

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i saw a thing on the discovery channel about how theirs wild dinosaurs living in the jungles of peru but I'm pretty sure its just pokemon

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meko caught a snorlax

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i used translator(Spanish to English) and my dictionary :P so dont laugh :)


Peru is a multi ethnic nation formed by the combination of different groups (Spain, Native Americans, Africans). After the independence a lot of European come to Peru, Chinese ppl arrive in 1850 then the Japanese and Arabs in 1900. Peruvian cuisine is considered 1 of the most varied and original in world. One of the most representative is Ceviche (raw fish + onion + lemon + "aji" (its like chili)) btw Peruvian food is the 3rd best food in the world. Spanish is the primary languages. 89% if Catholic 6% Evangelist 5% are shit :). I don't want to talk about the government because all of them are robbers. Most of the country is POOR government doesn't help them, most of them work more than 12 hours for less than 3 dollars / day


/sad but its true


One more thing, check this out :)










ps: Alberto Fujimori = was the best president of Peru

Edited by sik

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