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Just wow...


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hahaha I'm going to have to agree, after the last marvel game I played on the wii

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SF vs Marvel worked, so there's a chance this might work as well. Though I just checked with my magic 8 ball and says outlook is doubtful....and that thing has got me through the toughest of law exams

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After discussing this with my blockbuster coworkers, it has been decided that this will not work for the sheer fact that DC comic super heroes never ever die (for real). their entire existence depends on having super powers that could rip a man in two.... and never ever doing anything to kill anyone of any significance (just no name henchmen). Mortal Kombat on the other hand.... those guys are ALL about uninteresting fights topped off with the most amazing finishing moves the world has ever seen.


You can't combine guys that never kill with guys who's only path to success was electrifying their opponents to a charred skeleton, or turning them into ice and breaking them into a thousand pieces. It just don't work.

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