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i want to see you guys using this in the trade channel.

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i want to see you guys using this in the trade channel.


Some people still need to pick up on it, but Mr. T is spreading.. like a disease.. and stuff.


On a side note, I hate the instance. It's cool looking and all, but it's pretty brutal for a non-heroic..

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We tried it with little CC the first time and wiped a couple times. Then we added a sap and a sheep and it was cake even on heroic. (until our instance bugged)

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We did it on heroic, and we got the Swift White Hawkstrider. lol


And by "we", you mean Chimley?


:tongue: :tongue:


Skiki, Rets, Katra, Soma and I did it last night on Heroic. Minimal CC, and we did have a couple of unfortunate Fears, but we finished it.

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We did it on heroic, and we got the Swift White Hawkstrider. lol


so you finally got a cock eh? grats


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