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Whats up w/ the neon colors?



It's so you can see your asskickin' coming from a mile away ^.~


and OMG they actually named the pally set 'Brutal'.. that's PERFECT!


(I'm retarded.. all of them are 'brutal'.. my brain only processed the first thing it saw apparently)

Edited by Memphis

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Is anyone else underwhelmed by the armor and weapon models?


I mean I'm digging the set stats so far, but it's starting to look less like Warcraft and more like a cartoony Warhammer (which you could argue it is anyway) but seriously, Horns on plate again? And all the embellishment details remind me of the Chosen from WAR.

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I've been underwhelmed by nearly every skin they've released in BC for new gear. wtb paly t2 or warrior t3?

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The new armor is meh... nothing special. Looks kind of like they just rushed it out really.


My personal favorites are pally T2, T4. Warrior T3 . Priest T6. Druid T3.

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