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I forgive you being horde Zed, only because you are pro=) if you need any info on prot stuff send me a PM, I gots knowledge to share.


Also there's a really really good and easy Mod RH posted many months back, that keeps track of the buffs, I still use it, but have thought about switvhing to pallypower for awhille.



The part I really like about PallyPower is the interface really makes choosing which pally does each blessing in a raid simple. My CL usually handles the blessings distribution in the 25 mans. It allows people to configure your settings for you, which is nice. However like Ect said, I can't stand the vertical bar it shows up on my screen either. Plus, it's a bit of a bear to configure just for a 5 man dungeon. I'll probably just have to keep using it, even though I don't like it. :(

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  • 1 year later...

So yeah i know this thread is old but i wanted to see ppls New UI's so if you guys wanna start posting them that would be cool. Heres mine.



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24 action buttons on your screen, how do you deal with that?


I have 108 =(



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Heh yes - I have two action bars all along the bottom of my screen and two all along the right side (max vanilla UI action buttons) - And on most of my toons they are full of stuff. I keep the stuff I'm casting in combat mostly in the two bars on the bottom right, but they spill out - Especially on my Arcane mage who has an insane amount of cooldowns. (Sure, I have them consolidated into an uber Power Overwhelming macro, but I still want to see which ones are off cooldown at any given time.)


Keybinds are all fine and all, but I simply play too many different alts to remember all the keys I would need quickly enough in the heat of the moment.

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Well Raven your a pally with like 4-6 Buttons that you need to push i'm a Healer lol

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Well Raven your a pally with like 4-6 Buttons that you need to push i'm a Healer lol



This doesn't make sense when he's talking about have 4+ times the number of buttons you have. And RH healed Ulduar this weekend... so I'm not getting that part either.

Edited by Daghostmaker

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Sorry ghost i thought Raven was Ret. LoL my apologies, Memphis what Mod you do you use for your Action Bars?

Edited by Snarky

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Action bars are Bartender 4.. and then I have cyCircled and errrrrr.. ButtonFacade that make them look like that =)

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It's been a long time since I've posted or even been in the guild... But, I really like UI threads so...Here!

From Kimick/Velik with love.



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It's been a long time since I've posted or even been in the guild... But, I really like UI threads so...Here!

From Kimick/Velik with love.





I was gonna use that DK thing you have, but I couldn't stand the way it sit @_@ I like the rest of your UI though.

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Well Raven your a pally with like 4-6 Buttons that you need to push i'm a Healer lol


Man, if you're only pushing 4-6 buttons you're missing out on about 80% of your class! xD

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/points at Rollinz at ROFLs.


LOL, If your laughing at Rollinz by looking at the picture. You should talk to him on vent, Hes dumber then a pole. ROFL

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Here's a screenshot of my latest UI on my DK.


It's a little different on Ez, but not by too much.



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Tim, you and Geo always have the neatest UIs!! >o<


Here's mine -- simple, but effective. =)



Edited by Demetricus

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Haha, not laughing at the pic... just laughing 'cause he IS dumber than a pole! lol xD

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Here's my current one.




Nice! What do you use to outline your chat panes? Is that part of Prat that I'm unaware of? O_o

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