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So I'm sure there's been a topic about this before, but I missed it sooo...


Bottom left = main spells/auras

Middle = "oh shit" buttons/misc casts

Right = blessings/profs/mounts








I make my own so if it looks odd... don't make fun please!

Edited by Adramelach

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So here's one from last night after some world PvP. As you can see, Xact was killed 6 times.. err.. 6 that I was close enough to get credit for.. 99% of the kills belong to Darch.. 1% belongs to the talbuk Xact aggro'd running away from me. But this is yeah.. my crazy UI.



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I'm about 90% sure that it's part of Fubar.. honorFu maybe? This is the compilation I'm using All Deuce UI (Ace2) and that's the only real PvP based one that I can find in it. I'll do some checking when I log in and see if I can track it down for sure lol.. I have so many addons that just kind of... surprise me now and then. I finally figured out what was causing me to auto-queue for BG's in Automaton.. that only took a month or so to track down ><"

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This is my current UI.




I love it, but may want a change soon. we'll see.

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During Friday's Skullcrasher Episodes, I was looking around for some different addons and what-not to try out a new look and such. I haven't been very knowledgable when it comes to addons and stuff, so comments or feedback is always appreciated. Reminder, I don't use a widescreen monitor (otherwise space would never be an issue XD), so essentially I have a lot of buttons to cram into a small space.


To EZ:

What raid frames do you use? Looks like it has a nice compact form to it.

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Trig. It's pitbull for my regular unit frames and raid frames

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Trigui with raid frames up.

The fact that it's a Pic of Sanguinar just seems right to me. In other news: how in the good word of God do you see?


My UI, and some interesting tell banter. WARNING SWEARING IN TELLS AVERT YOUR VIRGIN EYES.




Edited by Ecthelion

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Ecth, my friend, you obviously have not seen my UI before. If you think I can't see out of that UI, then you might have a heart attack trying to view out of my previous ones. XD

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I figured I'd take a screenshot at a crazy time for effect hehe.. Enjoy!



Edited by Ravenheart

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Ecth, all I got from your UI is that Bang likes to be a sub in your stratholme cyb0rz...

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all i got from ravens screenshot is that he wasnt running any aura during that naj'entus attempt hahahahahahahahahahah


damn you naj'entus! 1% :(

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all i got from ravens screenshot is that he wasnt running any aura during that naj'entus attempt hahahahahahahahahahah


damn you naj'entus! 1% :(


What's worst from the screen shot is what if you were in group 5 to give the rogues Wind Fury and Strength of Earth or if Soma was in group 3 to give the hunters and their pets more crit :/

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I've been doing more of a minimalist approach to my UI these days. Got sick of all the clutter on the screen. Oh, and um... disregard the whole horde thing hehe. I was curious how the FP pallies handle managing all the blessings in a 25 man raid. We're currently using PallyPower, but I really hate the interface.

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That's the guild I'm in?!?! Do you know what the website is? I can't ever find it, I just have this one bookmarked lol

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I've been doing more of a minimalist approach to my UI these days. Got sick of all the clutter on the screen. Oh, and um... disregard the whole horde thing hehe. I was curious how the FP pallies handle managing all the blessings in a 25 man raid. We're currently using PallyPower, but I really hate the interface.

I just wish you could configure the PallyPower interface more. I love the group utility and the timers, as well as the smart buffing. But that verticle stack bugs me.

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I forgive you being horde Zed, only because you are pro=) if you need any info on prot stuff send me a PM, I gots knowledge to share.


Also there's a really really good and easy Mod RH posted many months back, that keeps track of the buffs, I still use it, but have thought about switvhing to pallypower for awhille.




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