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I wantged to start asking computer help and iodeas for my new one, want to spend 700 dollars on cpu, i know a few compnaies like cyberpower and tigerdirect, etcv but wanted some more input on some good ones, if uc an helpplease list some companies



i have this one im interested in but wanted to check around




thanks skee

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Wait, you want to spend $700 on the CPU alone, or the entire computer? 'cause..that makes a big difference. :wink:

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CPU alone nothing else i have all that here just trying to finda good one like teh one i posted i assume


and talking to garnok be great but i cant find people since i cant get online so i post here and hope they see it tongue.gif



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Seige is getting very specific with you. The CPU is the processor that runs everything. Its the Intel or AMD chip. A lot of people use "CPU" when refering to the tower and its internal parts wink.gif



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Well, what kind of Motherboard do you have? Would you be willing to get a new one if that means getting a better processor?


Details like that tend to help out.


Oh, and I reccomend using Pricewatch for all your hardware needs. It has the best deals around, and lets you make a perfect match for your taste of the shady/reputable site and cheap/expensive balances. :wink:

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not gettgin piece by piece im buying a whole tower sorry i call it a cpu my error the link above is the one i thought of buying but wanted to check aruond differtn compnaies thoughts ideas sorry not buying one pice per say im buying the whole tower its self board procss etc sorry the error on words




so any on line cmpnaies or if that one is good above orjsut opeions helps thanks

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dunno if they're still around, but a local company that was really nice was TCWO in tampa. They shipped.

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