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Raid members classified, categorized.

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This made me chuckle :)





The Raid Leader- When you stand in the flames, he dies a little bit inside.


The Drunks- The core of your guild. As raid progresses, their voices in vent are getting just ever so slightly slurred. You don’t notice because you’re trying to sound sober yourself. DPS output seems to scale positively with blood alcohol content.


The Stoners- Quietly wiping raids since the beta. They really, really, really hate having to move out of the fire. Two of them are dead under the volcanoes. They live in fear of the negative officer. They have their own channel. Try /join (insertguildname)stoners. You’ll see who’s in there. It’ll explain a lot. They’re also having more fun that everyone else combined


Its a fine read indeed!!! now... which are you?

Edited by Bishop

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Stratman- Has read every strategy on the entire internet for every boss. Unable to think critically. Knows where his talk key is. Hated by the officers. Likely to play a hunter.




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I am:


The Departed Legend- You joined after he left. You suspect that he could not actually solo Doomwalker. But you're not totally sure.


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The Kid- So, you messed up on this guy’s interview and nobody noticed that he was 12. But, he can play. And if he gets a little bit excited when boobies are getting talked about? Hey, he’s young.



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Cotten, "The Kid" is almost all past hunter







Emerald (barely)


FP Hunters, babysitting since '04

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I think they need an entry for the people who leave and come back... over and over and over again.

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Common Gar. I'm 19, that's legal drinking age here in Canada.


The only way your babysitting is if my face is in the toilet puking my guts out.

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The Negative officer- “Jesus Christ why are there corpses under all these goddamn volcanoes? It’s Supremus for !*!%s’s sake. GET OUT OF THE GODDAMN FLAME!”



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Hm that was pretty amusing. I don't think I fit into any of those categories though.

Hm...Someone must have messed during your interview then...


/gkick I say!


Welcome to FP! :tongue:


The Hunter Class Lead- Will tell you that it does actually require skill and preparation to play a hunter well in the end game. Lies frequently.


Lol Gar!




Cotton: Seen any bewbs lately? :biggrin:

Edited by Feanore

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Mr. Mikeless- Has a microphone. Hears the conversation and directions. Once wiped the raid because he started talking and most folks alt-tabbed to see who the hell was speaking. May be your best player.


THIS is my favorite. Because it's true.

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I am:


The Departed Legend- You joined after he left. You suspect that he could not actually solo Doomwalker. But you're not totally sure.



Gryph, i'm sorry but Felz is the Departed Legend, he did single handedly down Vael for us ;)

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The Healing Pallie- Hates healing and had to go holy to see endgame. If you raid with a boomkin, a feral druid, a fury warrior, or any non-resto shaman, you are not getting a 10 minute blessing. Forget it. He hates you.

I can't breath I'm laughing so hard.


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The Disgruntled Raider- Took an unannounced, extended vacation and now has to share his raid spot with the other 11 extra dps. Very angry about this situation. Doesn't realize that ##@#*ing is making things worse. Officers pray for a gquit.



also the wow player sitting in the lecture hall imediately to my left is laughing his ass off


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