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I was wondering, if anyone knows of the changes that is being talked about for the ret pally gear and talents. i've heard some things, and wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to find more about it, or do the simple thing and tell me.


thank you. ur friendly ret pally

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Before the 2.4 patch notes, I heard some of the rough break down of what they wanted to do, since we've seen some of the patch notes, I haven't seen anything changing for Ret pallies, this doesnt mean there isnt anything, just that they haven't shown it to us yet.

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Changes are sexy, love them.


I do however dislike having 15,000 sets of gear for everything I want to do =/


Lol. The life of a druid from Day 1. Welcome to the party!

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kinda wish there was some resil on the s1/s2 though.

Heaven forbid that they try to make the PVP set look less like a PVE upgrade than a PVP upgrade.

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you think with this change, ret pallies will be seen in raids? lol. i know the answer.

Im not in this guild but i'd expect there to be as many retribution paladins as fury warriors, if not at a 2:1 ratio.

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S1/S2 ret gear didnt have it to begin with.the thing is theyre reitemizing this gear to be more like S3 ret, and it fails because of no resil

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How could they not give resilience to paladin S1/S2 gear when every other classes Arena gear has it? Did they ever give reasoning why it was excluded? That's crap.

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How could they not give resilience to paladin S1/S2 gear when every other classes Arena gear has it? Did they ever give reasoning why it was excluded? That's crap.


This was done to let opponents in arenas know to kill the el oh el ret pally in season 2 gear first before anything else. :cool:

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Those tooltips from MMOchamp must be mistaken. There's no way that any arena gear would not have resilience.

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Its true, pally S1 and S2 ret gear has never had resilience on it. Only the season 3 gear does.

Edited by Drunknduncan

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resil wasnt applied to the S1/S2 gear because ret paladins had so many different stats necessary on their gear. only reason S3 received resil is because spell damage and healing was removed, which isnt really needed for ret anyways. its only right that its added to S1/S2 with the str increase, basically balancing the gear

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resil wasnt applied to the S1/S2 gear because ret paladins had so many different stats necessary on their gear. only reason S3 received resil is because spell damage and healing was removed, which isnt really needed for ret anyways. its only right that its added to S1/S2 with the str increase, basically balancing the gear

Beat me too it, and yes he's exactly right.

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I don't even play a ret pally, but it pisses me off that there's no resil on the S1 and S2. Just like there's no crit on the Moonkin S1 and S2... and they fricken sprinkled it onto S3.

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4-piece bonus on all season healing sets (Redemption) has been changed to "Reduces the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice by 10 sec." to "Increases the healing from your Holy Shock spell by 30%."

Paladin Season 1/2 Retribution gear now has resilience !


/from MMO-champ.


Good stuff!


Also buy Nether Vortexes with Badges and they're not BOP anymore.. And, 25 man bosses drop 2 badges.

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