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they are identifying us as a class of ppl to advertise too! lmao

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... Wow. Can I still be a lvl 70 NE Resto Druid and a Moonkin, a lvl 70 PvE hunter, and a lvl 70 mutilate rogue all at the same time and still get a degree?

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... Wow. Can I still be a lvl 70 NE Resto Druid and a Moonkin, a lvl 70 PvE hunter, and a lvl 70 mutilate rogue all at the same time and still get a degree?


pfff hell no there's no hope for you addict.

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That's not true! I'm a 70 prot paladin/feral druid/elemental shaman/BM hunter and i'm working on my bachelors... (also include the 67 rogue because i can).

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