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All bosses now drop THREE TOKENS?




It's pretty awesome, underscores how now-a days you dont have to farm for a long period of time. A lot of cool changes there

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i mean, all of these ARE mentioned by blue (alot of them today)


go to the general forums and read the week in warcraft or w/e its called sticky thread. its a few weeks old but eyonix has all the links updated.


so in summary, these are all legit for now (blizz might change their mind)

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Yea that's true Stang. I really think the main thing is that with 2.4 Sunwell Platue ( SP?) comes out, so people will be ditching even Hyjal and BT, so why not please more people and let them get more earlier Tiers. But this means more people leave with them per raid, and less people feel like itll take forever to get a Tier piece.

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I know that no one's commented on this yet, but you're about to see METRIC TONS more pvp gear in circulation.


As the PTR approaches we wanted to give everyone a preview of one of the larger changes for PvP that's currently planned for the 2.4 patch.


Currently, diminishing returns are applied to all honorable kills. What diminishing returns mean for honor is that each subsequent kill of the same target will reward you with less and less honor; 10% less per kill to be exact. One of the major downsides to diminishing returns is that the calculations, for potentially hundreds of thousands of players, is too intense to do real time, so they are calculated during off-peak hours. This in turn requires that the honor you gain be temporarily displayed as "estimated" until the calculations are run. It's a system that we've certainly improved (moving the calculation from weekly to daily) but still always disliked. It creates a very uninteresting and sometimes aggravating or confusing detachment from your achievements and the actual reward.


The reason for diminishing returns has always been to avoid the potential exploitation of the honor system. As the game has evolved, especially the honor and battleground systems, exploitation of the honor system now without diminishing returns would no longer be considered a lucrative alternative to simply participating in a battleground normally. We've also greatly improved our ability to monitor and track exploitation of this nature.


We've reached a point where we're now confident that applying diminishing returns to honor is no longer necessary, and we're currently planning to remove it with the 2.4 patch.


With this change we’re including a few restrictions as well though: Players that have the resurrection sickness debuff will not be worth any honor, and if a player dies 50 times or more during a battleground they won’t be worth any honor for the remainder of that battle.


What the removal of diminishing returns means for you is that as soon as you defeat an opponent that rewards you honor, you will receive that honor, and you will be able to spend it right then. There will no longer be an estimate, and you will no longer need to wait until the next day until you can actually spend it. Your achievements through honor-based PvP will be instantaneous.


This should be interesting to say the least, and should mean that everyone and their mother's brother's cousin's dog will be rocking around with that much more Season 1 gear. /sigh @ the softcore.

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This should be interesting to say the least, and should mean that everyone and their mother's brother's cousin's dog will be rocking around with that much more Season 1 gear. /sigh @ the softcore.


Hey man, that's my resto gear you're talking about!


.... Except I still need to reinstall my game, or else I'll be stuck in that resto gear for quite a while.

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I won't be happy until tokens rain from the sky!! MOAR TOKENZ PLZ.


Overall pretty standards stuff...I think they are saving the big stuff for WoTK

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so are they saying all the S1 and S2 ret gear with be like S3? and other "ret" items will be reworked the same way? if so, i might cry tears of happiness

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