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euuu, i hope those aren't real. 6 sec cooldown on ice lance?????

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yeah that looks pretty fake...15 second cooldown on cyclone? mortal strike effects decreased by 10% with each heal? Sap can be used in combat but has a 15 second cooldown? yeah i don't think so

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I have to agree, so many of these seem fake. Granted, the next patch could include versions of these, but not the the degree that some of these go. Though if Avenger's shield gets moved to a .5 second cast Ill be really happy.

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I like your avatar Emerald. I don't know if Igor does though. :wink:

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True Adra, but Avenger's shield gets a small bonus from spell damage anyways. Actually, the most damage I've ever done with it was in my tanking gear VS the first boss in SL I think, I still havent beaten that record with all my SD gear on.





That is a pretty cool avatar Emerald=)..... though... it's no Ryu.

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