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Here in Jax/Mayport we are expecting a tropical storm/Hurricane to make landfall around Sunday/Monday. We have all the boats from Miss. here that ducked Katrina now they have to head out to miss this storm. My dept. may have to help them get underway, setting up comm's and such. Emergency underway for full shipyard takes time. So if I am not on much or not at all for a few days that is why. Some of these boats are refitting, and have to stop and get ready to get underway. W/out giving out too much info its a real nightmare. I'll be on tonight I hope.



Have a good one guys



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not to get off topic but, you work at a shipyard?

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Military, Ben. My friend in the reserves had to go through that shit every week last year (the year of class cancellations becuase we had a hurricane warning every week for a few months at UF).

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oh i was just wondering cause, i work at a shipyard!


we are working on these causeway ferries like crazy cause they need them in LA. right now! is what my boss says so we are pretty busy

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I think shipyard and star trek comes to mind. Can't help it...

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