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You mayhave noticed last night I wasn't online for the raid... yesterday morning I woke up and my brotherinformed me that the computer was.. dead.


And, since my mom despises the computer, I honestly doubt she'll buy a new one anytime soon.


I'll keep trying to fix the problem but I'm really not a computer tech person, so I may not be on for a while.




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Throw all the details you can give us on your computer, there are a number of IT people here in the guild that might be able to help you.

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If you turn it on, and get "beep codes" let us know the make of the motherboard or computer and we can tell you whats wrong. If it doesn't respond at all more than likely it is a bad power supply.




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If it doesn't respond at all more than likely it is a bad power supply.


Shad you know that can also be Processor or Mother Board or even a combination of the 3, don't simplify things ;)

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So with my incredible knowledge about the inner workings of computer (about nothing) I spent the day opening up my comp looking for obvious issues..... and well problem solved, I still don't know what the hell was wrong though

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So with my incredible knowledge about the inner workings of computer (about nothing) I spent the day opening up my comp looking for obvious issues..... and well problem solved, I still don't know what the hell was wrong though


Invisible hamsters IMO

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