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Here's what this noob looks like!


I'll get more if anyone wants, I just have these 2 that are resent. First one is a few days old, and the second one I just took with my cat! haha. I'm still getting use to my new phone settings so bare with me, also sorry if they're a bit big I can resize them if needed =p



Edited by Darch

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lip rings, emovers, and cats. sounds like someone i know..




oh yea, me =P

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Ben! He could be your brother! That is . . . if Kevan and Shiki were your parents - cause yeah, Darch you kinda look like what I think their offspring would.

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lawl its funny cause that possible....if tom had a uterus.

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Hot boy, zomg!

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Lol My hair is really messy in the second one. As for the lip rings, I had snake bites but I took them out. =p



And yes.. my mom is the one.............................

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lawl its funny cause that possible....if tom had a uterus.



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Is this the dude with the hot mom? More Mom pics please!

This thread needs more of Jason's mom.

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Heyheyhey watch that "Jason's mom" stuff.


Darch's mom? That works better.

Darchknight's name is Jason...seen plenty of your mother that i don't need pictures ;)

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