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A lot of things look pretty real. Mages make me want to cry. Hurray, they fixed 2 bugs, while EVERY OTHER CLASS GOT A BUFF. Hell, rogues and hunters can now more easily kill us.


However, the one glimmer of light in this:

Totems are no longer immune to area of effect damage


Mages stand a chance now...a slim one, but it's there.

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Every other class? Priests didn't even get mentioned.


There are some MAJOR changes in this if it is real. It seems a little odd to me cause blizzard has been very careful not to change TOO much at any one go and with this they'd slide in so much. It can be indicative of other things, like there main development and QA teams freeing up from expansion pack development cycle....


AI/MotW/PW: Fort not being dispellable is pretty nice. : )



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That's AWESOME! Gimp Blessing of Salvation SEVERELY AND Take away Shield Hearth. Way to make Pallys useless, Blizzard. That's why I love ya'll so much. However, I do like the new Seal of Fury thing, and it's judgement.

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As much as I'd love to say I'm happy with the Druid changes, I'm so utterly confused by them, I'm still just left hoping that they let us do something fun in our forms (I don't trust their "damage" fixes... we've been down this road before). I don't mind being a healbot, personally. tongue.gif

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yea. that BoS got nerfed. now its gonna have to be cast on me every 10 secs instead of every 5, 10, or 15. mins. that brings to my attention what will happen to the improved salvation talent?

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On BoS change: It may just be for the first 10 seconds, and after that it would act the same as it does now. God I hope so. Druid's won't survive without BoS. It's not like we can fade or shield :-\


Druid changes: Love that arcane spells are now nature. There was no reason they should have been arcane, based upon NE lore. An NS + Starfire would be a great finishing move on any target that decides to run buahahaha. Most of the talent deletions make sense to me. All the ones they're getting rid of are useless except for Faire Fire in form. I would have loved to see a better group heal added, though, or Tranquility changed so it isn't so useless.


"The Dartol’s Rod of Transformation obtained as a quest reward from the fourth part of Raene’s Cleansing is no longer useable" : omgwtfbbq no more forbolg form?!?!?!?!

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- Judgement of Fury – Design changed. Now forces the target to attack you.

- Blessing of Salvation – Design changed. Now causes a friendly target to generate no additional threat for 10 seconds.

- Consecration – Fixed a bug where the spell sometimes did nothing if cast in rapid succession.

- Sanctity Aura – Design changed. Now increases healing done by 10% for party members within 30 yards.

- Holy Shock – Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds.

- Improved Blessing of Salvation – Design changed. Now increases the duration of your Blessing of Salvation by 2/4 sec


OMG! Shammies don't have BoS! Let's nerf the hell out of it guys!


Oh, and make all the Pallies go Holy thanks to the new HS cooldown! I mean, they'll be able to get like, a whole 66dps from spamming it! That like doubles their DPS! That'll show them their place! And...and...since we're at it, lets fix a minor bug, and make JoF do what it was supposed to in the first place. Yah...that'll do those whiny bastards.



Erlin, Imp. BoS increaces the duration by a whopping 2/4 of a second! I mean, with 5 points in it that's an enitre second an a half! OMG!


Don't expect to get it every 10s either, unless of corse, you make a macro to whisper it and put that in sequence with all your big heals. With a 10s space for pallies to actually get to you after every other cloth wearer in the raid, of corse.



Yah, I love how they nerf one of the most gimped classes in the game before they even get around to "fixing" us.


All I'm saying is, they better be fake.

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I think 2/4 means 12 then 14 ... so you can only put 2 points in and it becomes 14s


The NS Starfire is interesting... but at the same time, if you're kicked or counterspelled on nature, you cant cast ANYTHING now.


The druid changes are overall positive, but some of them aren't great, and are in fact negative. The new swiftshifting stands out as awesome-sauce to me, however.

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yea, there was one thing i noticed that stood out as something blizz wouldnt do, what was it though. hmm, imma go look for it.



found it


"NPCs in battlegrounds can no longer be mind controlled."



thats just plain stupid, if its humanoid, it can be controlled, end of story, i highly doubt blizz would implement this, or even think of it.

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Part of the problem is when you MC a commander or something like that. Those guys will own players and whatnot. Hell, the supply officers wreak havoc.


And just because it's nature damage wouldn't mean you can't cast heals. Bear in mind that it cancels that school, not that damage type.

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Heals are nature... I cannot cast a heal if wrath is counterspelled. And vice versa.

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That's weird...at least, that's now how I interpreted the tooltip.

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They forgot to mention giving Pallies getting that hammer ranged attack thingy. I think its fake.

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"Now increases the duration of your Blessing of Salvation by 2/4 sec."


why didn't they say 1/2 of a second?


rogues poison stays on their weap when they travel, or port but warlocks still waste a soul shard, and still no talk of stacking soul shards..

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2/4 sec means it adds an additional 2 seconds on the first talent point spent, and 4 seconds on the second talent point spent, not it adds .5 seconds. Blizz does use the deciaml system for combat etc.

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oh okay i got it now. i'm gonna be tanking so much now, haha. can i wear mail soon blizz? like maybe a chain mail chastity belt or something.

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or, we could force all pallys to go holy, and use them as the mail healers, but get them ub3r plate gear, and have the priests on support heals, and overload on druids to continue cleansing and go feral for added dps, and a ton of combat rezzes, and get more warlocks to use soulstones, and zomg, have a shamman on alliance side!!!!

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oh that would give me a reason to go full discipline spec, w00t!

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