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Usagi being the wonderful girlfriend she is, got me a 360 for Xmas and then thru family I got Forza 2 and a year subscription to Live! Xmas day I must have spent 5 hours straight playing Forza. The game is an absolute masterpiece and only makes me want to upgrade my RL car even more (02 RSX-S).


Hinanin and I tried racing last night but the servers are apparently fubared right now. But either way, whos got it and is down for a little 4 wheeled mayhem!?


What other games are a must have for Live? Obviously Halo3 and I also have NHL 07 but the new control style is pretty unintuitive.


My 360 screen name is NinjaBawls, hit me up because I'm probably not gonna be on WoW too much anymore.

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Halo 3, and NCAA Football 2008 are the games I play online... but my Xbox is still in East Lansing so I won't be playing until mid-January. Username = Albino Potato. Don't ask where it came from because I don't know.

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Call of Duty 4 seems to be pretty popular now. I REALLY don't play a lot (it's usually my brother that's playing), but my gamertag is xS KingBeast Sx.

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I play Halo3 and Rock Band. I'm gonna get Call of Duty 4 sooner than later.


My gamertag is Gryphiepoo


PS Usagi rocks for getting you that for Christmas!

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Call of Duty 4 owns all. I even stopped playing Halo 3 because of it.


Assassin's Creed is a great game, but can get repetitive, so I'd suggest renting if you're looking at trying it.


I just got Mass Effect, and it looks pretty great so far.






Get Call of Duty 4, and play no other game ever. Ever.





My Xbox live name is Patriot X


see ya there!

Edited by Coeus

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I'll be getting CoD4 as I friggin LOVE it it's SO much better then Halo.


Madden is awesome if you like football and Rock Band is an Obvious must


I'll have to renew my xbox live but thatsyoassanta is my gamer tag :3

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Some of my guy friends play a butt ton of CoD4 and I'm learning from them, I play on nick and shane's account. Aqueousfun and mindbender05.

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I play Halo3 and Rock Band. I'm gonna get Call of Duty 4 sooner than later.


My gamertag is Gryphiepoo


PS Usagi rocks for getting you that for Christmas!


I'm not sure if she realized that its going to take attention away from her... :)


I played some CoD4 at a buddies house last night and I was thinking about getting Halo3, but Im definitely gonna get CoD4. The multiplayer was a blast. "Wtf, helicopter?... I think its broke its not doing anything" *kill *kill *kill *kill *kill... "Never mind it works LOL"


Hopefully the Xmas bonus will cover a HDTV.

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I'm not sure if she realized that its going to take attention away from her... :)



She IS the Robot CL. Don't be surprised if your 360 stops working when she wants your attention.

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You guys are noobs for playing CoD4 on a console : /


I don't really play my 360 but in the off chance I do my tag is Hvizzo.

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