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As an announcement for the PvP side we have finally discovered the Lumbermine. It requires a very delicate balance of being drunk, high, tired, and slightly retarded to discover. This has required a lot of work from our dedicated PvP staff that come out each and every day to make FP that much better.


We are currently working on how to capture the Lumbermine once found...it is proving to be most difficult.

Edited by Beornwarrior

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Much to learn about the Lumbermine, you have.


BUT OMG GRATS GUYSSSSSSS!!!!!! /cantbelieveIwasntthere =(

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Congrats guys, this is pretty much our biggest accomplishment since we have entered BC. Once Kael is down, there will be whole new instances for us to hit!

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This was awesome guys! /excited


That horrible wench defeated us for far too long. Congrats!

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Great job on the kill guys! We rocked that Phase 2!


I went back later with a few of my Gnomies for another SS:



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BTW, I heard it being discussed, but never heard the answer - was the fight recorded?


Like everyone, I'm sure, I'd love to watch the fight in the sober light of day.

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Yes. it was recorded. by me and 1 other i believe.


I am uploading the video to file front now, and will link it in the video's section.


mind you i am not a video editing wizard so don't expect anything astounding. But it works, and it's from a holy priest POV.

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Great job guys. During Xmas time I hope I will have sufficient time to raid with you if you want me in. My rogue (Gankero) is now level 70 and is getting epic gears through PvP. As of now i have both epic maces and gloves.

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