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When Mal isn't serving the Alliance with his holy skills as a paladin, he's off adventuring in the wilderness, wielding his trusty shovel and tipping his hat to passers-by.




Riding off to slay beasts and find treasure.


(I know I'm crazy for buying a mount..!)

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Buying a mount, eh?


Maybe I should do that...after buying around 20 more stacks of Dark Iron Ore I found out I already got the only recipies of worth from the 'hood at Honored. Good thing I bought them for around 4g..hehe.

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I think what I'll do is collect mounts. And armour sets. Then I can run around on different horses as different classes and people will be confused and it will be fun.

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Well, I'm going to try to put together unique sets of armour. Not unique as in powerful, but just.. not commonly worn. Like my "farmer" outfit. Don't think I've seen that around before.

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