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hey as i am sure some of you may have noticed the candy can hasn't been in circulation for awhile. As of December second my account will be closed. I actually have been able to secure myself as the special F/X guy for an upcoming Indie film so i figure between that and work its gonna chew up alot of time. It's been alot of fun and i'd still love to meet you guys in person, maybe when the expansions out ill have some more time to devote, like when we first kicked butt in MC, Ony, etc... those were some good/long nights(/tear)

if allowed ill still pop in the forums to see what going on, but for now Tammy is going to hang up her mace and sword and take a little break.

Love you guys, especially well you know who you are, don't worry i'll be stocking up the van while i'm away.

Edited by Tammy

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oh man the special f/x thing sounds awesome.


see ya around d00der =D

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Nooooooooooooo TAMMY!


Sounds like you'll be having a lot more fun in the F/X stuff though!

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TAMMY! You were the first person I leveled with post BC!


Get the van ready for a trip to the FP HQ sometime, and have fun with the job man!

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I haven't been playing much myself these days. I'll miss all the good times we had together.


It seems like there are 2 big reasons people stop playing the game.


1. People play too much and they O.D.




2. Real life gets more exciting and better and there just isn't enough time for games.


I'm glad it is number 2 for you! I look forward to seeing next year's halloween costume! I'm pming you my gmail info so we can stay in touch! :)

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i'll post pics of some of the effects/work ill have done

i have a great idea i can't wait to do for decomposing bodies it's really gross but effects wise its really cool

now i get to get paid to do halloween all year thats awesome.



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dead bodies?! sweet! dude have fun that sounds like an awesome job. Don't forget to come back and level in WotLK! =)

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It's been alot of fun and i'd still love to meet you guys in person prison, maybe when the expansions out ill have some more time to devote,


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Hey anyone on Facebook if they want to add me it's Brian Neil and im in the saint john network




this is vampire that met a cross


ALso hey soma you still in Maine with the canadian dollar doing so well we can have some alone time in prison oops person lol

Edited by Tammy

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Make sure you at least come by and show us some of the stuff that you're doing! I've always thought it'd be cool to work on Special Effects for movies. Unfortunately, the most I could probably do is a Theater Poster. =/

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/miss the van


I've been wondering what you've been doing, haven't seen you online in forever. GL with that whole RL thing, it's sucking me in more and more as the days go by. Keep in touch man!

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Hey on another note has anyone seen or heard from thulgrum/ghalleon/poozio?

i sent him an email and never heard back so just wondering if he is still in game?

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Tammy! GL in RL guy, and have fun with it. Cya when the next expansion hits! Keep us posted on how the job works out!

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