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Vent is expensive


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So, since we've updated Vent, I've had to renew our subscription and I noticed something.


There is $9.69 in the paypal account.


Do you know what that means?


The holidays are finally here and the fund raiser drive has arrived!


Please donate some spare cash to the Paypal account so that we can continue to keep vent, the server, the boards, and other services up and running. This means YOU you cheap bastard.


Ever year the same number of folks contribute, and I'd like to see a few extra names on the tab. Vent runs us about $25 per month alone, coupled with hosting fees ($15 per month because Hykos holds some of his porn collection on a back end server) and one off fees like upgrading forum software has set us back and tapped us out.


Log on. Pay up. Sleep soundly.



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($15 per month because Hykos holds some of his porn collection on a back end server)


you found it? :-(



/pssst downgrade to 75 person server



oh, and how do you set up a monthly contribution?

Edited by Hykos

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There should be an option if you click the paypal link to subscribe, if you want! :)


Otherwise, a one time sum of a few dollars goes a long way. Typically, the December drive lasts an entire year!

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meh, I'll probably just treat this like I treat the fund drives on NPR. I'll just change the station for a week and feel guilty, then forget about it til the next fund drive.



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This fund drive can show up at your house with a baseball bat.


If NPR were to employ the same tactics, I'm almost positive they'd have a better success rating.

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Sorry Mike, but you with a baseball bat doesn't scare me. Actually I kind of giggle at the image of that =)

Edited by Hykos

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/signs over life insurance policy to FP

Edited by Hykos

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Not a bad day for the first round. Thanks for all of those who have donated so far! A few bucks here and there adds up! And of course, a few high rollers don't hurt either.


FYI, I hear the Loonie is up against the dollar. This means your investment will have a greater return in the US.

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Atrus, send me a PM with what you want in your sig. A character screenshot, gear, etc.


Also - So far SIX people have sent in cash.


I'm almost positive that there are more than six people on vent or these forums on any given day.


This is not your PBS TV Drive. Even if you donate $1 per character you have in the guild, it helps keep vent online and forums running smoothly. If you don't, there's no magical corporation that will bail it out.


If we can get to fifteen individuals who have donated - I might actually be in a good mood. Probably for about 15 minutes. GO GO GO!

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Your vent server seems expensive. How many seats do you have on it? We pay only like $10/month for our 50-person server. Or did I just let the cat out of the bag on your little scam? :tongue:

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It's not much but I guess anything helps, amirite?


Can my monies get rid of the (GUEST) next to my name or is that wishful thinking? xD

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