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My brother shot me with a bb gun when i was younger 2 seconds after saying "I dont think i'ts loaded"


My life sucks :(


I got shot in the lip with an airsoft gun when I was 10 or 11... Oh man, I scared so many people. I had a huge bump on my lip for a while.

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I'm waiting for Rien to post in here some of the hardware on base, make us all look like the pansy civis that we are.


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I have a scar on my chest from someone stabbing me with a Scottish Claymore >.>


Not many people can say this.... at least not within the last 700 years.

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Not many people can say this.... at least not within the last 700 years.

I have very irresponsible friends. Friends that have too much money for their own good and a good internet connection. Friends that learned how to make napalm from the book Fight Club and made a 6 foot wide crater in a local park's parking lot.



Look how i turned out! :rolleyes:

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Friends that have too much money for their own good and a good internet connection.


They are welcome to contribute to my PayPal any day.


However, I'm not greedy or anything; $1000000 should be plenty.


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  • 2 weeks later...

God didn't make every man equal, Mr. Colt did.... :-) See Picture


5.56 semi and three round burst, 30 round magazines 7 full mags in a standard load. Laser Dot day scope w/ a PEC-2 Night laser only seen through night vision goggles. Who says you can't hunt at night? This is the M4 rifle, primarly used for close quarters combat. You are able to hit targets at 300 meters w/ ease and it can kill out to 400-500 meters out w/ a well trained solidger.




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Yey guns! everyone should have one or no one should have one.


I'm a fan of hunting rifles sadly I cannot afford to register one up here in Canada. Hunting ammo is so cheap where I live too, wal-mart ftw.


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Yey guns! everyone should have one


I knew it! Este is an American trapped inside a Canadians body.

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Friends that learned how to make napalm from the book Fight Club


LOL, kids. When I was in middle school we made our napalm from styrofoam lunch trays swiped from the neighborhood elementary school and gasoline from our sheds. We didn't need no stinking books based on movies. :tongue:

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LOL, kids. When I was in middle school we made our napalm from styrofoam lunch trays swiped from the neighborhood elementary school and gasoline from our sheds. We didn't need no stinking books based on movies. :tongue:

Srsly...Kids these days have it so easy :rolleyes:


Edit: Ironic that they can still make a large number of hazardous items from the cleaning section of any supermarket but they can't get a basic chemistry set lol!

Edited by Feanore

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lawl, Joe... if only every American owned and knew how to properly use* a gun... but clearly not everyone does.



*too many gangsta kids shooting em sideways and burning their faces.

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i had two handguns (now one). i have no idea what kind it is, unless "the kind that will stop a robber from breaking into my house" is a kind of gun.


my dad taught me how to shoot, mostly shotguns though. i could still f someone up if they were trying to get into my house to hurt my chihuahua.

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my dad taught me how to shoot, mostly shotguns though. i could still f someone up if they were trying to get into my house to hurt my chihuahua.


o_O It's difficult to imagine you shooting a shotgun without being knocked back on your ass

Edited by Hykos

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Ladies and Gent's I would like to introduce you to the "I Win" gun. .50 cal full automatic machine gun. It has two speeds, full auto and "I'M OUT OF AMMO"!! It does not have a safety, it can however fire single shot, but why would you want to do that?



Next one is me firing the "I Win" gun. Slice of heaven I tell ya.



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u suck dick

There is so much epic fail in that post i don't even know where to start

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