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Just wondering what guns you all own, what kind they are and what country you live in?


Myself no guns and i'm a Canuck.

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SKS 7.62x39 with a composite Monte Carlo stock.

My optics are a little different than pictured.



Springfield Armory XD-40 V-10 with Tritium Night Sights




Edited by Joesf

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Springfield Armory XD-40 V-10 with Tritium Night Sights



Cool looking pistol. Is that a compensated pistol? Isn't that kind of creepy seeing flames come out of the top of the slide?


I should have bought my gun before I got married...I was going to buy a Glock 23 or 27 (both .40cal) but then I got married and wife won't have a gun in the house after growing up with them around all the time. Her dad is retired military police and still carries.

Edited by Lyssa

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You have a gun steve!?


Hell ya! I'd like to get a third. Springfield Socom 16, shoots a .308 round. Its a little pricey @$2,000, but after having the XD and seeing its quality and performance, I don't think I'll buy anything other than a Springfield. Only thing I think would top it is an H&K and thats doubling-tripling the price.




Is that a compensated pistol? Isn't that kind of creepy seeing flames come out of the top of the slide?


Not sure what you mean by compensated. The ports are vented at an angle so you see a little smoke but it doesn't interfere with the sights. It has a couple of recoil buffers and the porting basically reduces the recoil to nothing. You can squeeze off round after round and still maintain accuracy. A bit noisier than a non-ported.

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Not sure what you mean by compensated. The ports are vented at an angle so you see a little smoke but it doesn't interfere with the sights. It has a couple of recoil buffers and the porting basically reduces the recoil to nothing. You can squeeze off round after round and still maintain accuracy. A bit noisier than a non-ported.


Glock refers to their ported pistols as compensated. Same difference. I remember seeing a magazine ad or review a few years back for a ported pistol and 6 - 8" flames were shooting out of the ports. Can't remember the gun or caliber.

Edited by Lyssa

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No on else has a gun?


I can honestly say I'm surprised. I think my mom even has her own gun.

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I want to get a gun, but I can't have one at school. Boo.


bears cant shoot guns, no thumbs.

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No on else has a gun?


I can honestly say I'm surprised. I think my mom even has her own gun.

No guns, but quite a few bows.


My favorite is my 45' Ben Pearson Palomino (1963). It has an incredibly minor arch for a recurve and shoots smooth as silk



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I have several guns between me and my dad. we have two 30/30 rifles, 2 12 gauge shotguns and a 22. We also both have compound bows. We're Canadian we like to hunt

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My dad and I share custody of a WW2 era springfield. I don't keep it in the apartment though. I do have a few swords to my name, but unlike you pansies, mine are fully functional. full tang, slow tempered, and hand assembled (I'm working on re-forging a blade that I bought mass produced, I *might* have it ready in time for the party this year).


I love the bow Fifi, I haven't shot one in ages and seeing that makes me want to pickup the hobby again, lol.


Steve, I think that we're going to have to go out shooting some time. I'll see if I can get some of the rust off so I don't make an ass of myself at the range. ^ ^

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So if I was going to buy a pistol for myself, say for xmas, what would be a good first gun?

I'm not big on revolvers, on the basis that they don't look as cool xD


Ecth, can you elaborate on how you are re-working that blade? I've always wanted a real sword, replicas are pretty lame...


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Well, I bought this stock ground blade a few years ago for a Camelot thing we were doing for some kids. It was heavy and poorly tempered but it did the job as was cheap. What I've been working on (very fucking slowly) is regrinding the blade to improve the balance point, and replacing the brass guard and pommel with some steel pieces that would take abuse much better. not to mention be lighter. Then it's off to re-temper the blade to fix the horrid job done at the factory.


Finishing a sword is fairly straight forward. So assuming I can get the grinding finished I'll bring the finished product for you all to check out. I had some other blades that I'd polished, but I've given those away as gifts.

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I have 14 swords in my room.. My favourite is the medieval broadsword that you see hanging on the wall when you walk into my room, its around 5 feet in length from handle to tip. BRUUTALLL


And I thought you could get guns at 7-11 in the US.

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I have 14 swords in my room.. My favourite is the medieval broadsword that you see hanging on the wall when you walk into my room, its around 5 feet in length from handle to tip. BRUUTALLL


And I thought you could get guns at 7-11 in the US.

I have a scar on my chest from someone stabbing me with a Scottish Claymore >.>

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I have a scar on my chest from someone stabbing me with a Scottish Claymore >.>

Claymore? :shock:


Consider yourself lucky that's all you got

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Come to think of it i don't even know where you can buy a gun in Canada.... lol i'm not interested in getting one but i don't think i've ever even seen a gun shop. One of my old friends used to have an AR15 i think it was. It was like a mini M16 only semi automatic. Plz correct me if i've got the wrong gun in mind.

Edited by rounder

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Claymore? :shock:


Consider yourself lucky that's all you got

Yeah the bigass sword that only giant Russians and apparently Scottish people can hope to carry. My friend was screwing around with it and he "accidentally" slashed my chest.

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Id have to accidentally shoot someone.


Speaking of, I've almiost been shot. Round was 2 feet from my chest. .223

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My brother shot me with a bb gun when i was younger 2 seconds after saying "I dont think i'ts loaded"


My life sucks :(

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