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I knew he played EQ (I think they even designed a boss in his likeness), but I didn't know he played WoW.


Here's the interview:



Here are his toons:






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he's wearing a tank ring, tank sword, and healing trinket. This guy is an asstard.


Edit: And Shaman boots.

Edited by Sploit

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I guess there's never been a time in Bobs WoW playing that he had to "settle" for gear, or use quest gear.

You did notice the healing trinket was a 10mana per5 first, and then on "use" it gave

=healing, right?

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Jeeeeeeze, Bib. Cut the guy some slack! He's too busy winning the World Series to play WoW!

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baseball isn't a sport anyway. and wearing mp5 like that is stupid, so he sucks.

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