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Songs are relational though. The meaning of the song is still there even though someone else is singing the lyrics, and they relate to the individual listening to the lyrics.


An example that comes to my mind is a cover of a song. If you never heard the original and only the cover (of lets say some really amazing lyrical masterpiece) then I would guess, if the cover band is good, the song itself didn't lose meaning.


I think this whole death metal vs. country is slowly falling into taste category though


Couldn't have said it better.


Oh, and a *lot* of country musicians do write their music, at least in part (like 1 of 2 or 3 writers), I'm not sure where you got the idea that 'most' don't.

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As a musician, I simply feel that if you didn't write the song, you didn't put your own emotions into it. It feels cheap. Covers are a little bit different. They are tributes to the band that initially made them. I feel like that can keep more of the spirit of the original song than something written by a guy whose job it is to write hits. Even Garth Brooks has used professional songwriters. It is not a practice that I agree with. In fact, it makes me feel sick. I see all these metal bands that put their hearts and souls into making their music; touring 300 days a year, playing to 'crowds' of 10-30 people trying to make ends meet. They spent years of dedication mastering their instruments to be able to do what they do. And yet somebody with little to no musical training can be handed a song that somebody else wrote, and become filthy rich. I'm not saying this applies solely to country. It is prevalent in all popular music. Where is the creativity? Where is the inner spark that gives the music real life? I don't hear it. Passion seems simulated. I'm sure there are some instances where somebody feels so strongly about it that it can be convincing, but there are always exceptions. Also, I said that most major country stars do. I don't know about the country music underground. On that topic I am ignorant. But the major players, the ones that are always on tv, or on the radio, have generally used songwriters at one point or another. And it seems that the songs that were written by somebody else were the big hits.


I'm not trying to make this into "This is why x type of music is bad and you shouldn't listen to it." That goes against the beauty of music, which is the freedom to listen to whatever you want. I'm merely saying that it's not for me, and here are some reasons why. My case might be a little special because of my focus on playing music. I put great value on technical skills and composition. Standard songs seem boring and contrived. Compared the popular music of the 70's and 80's, popular music these days is simple and inane. That's why I've turned to music that puts a focus on creativity and musicianship. I'm not saying a song has to be 'complicated' to be good; sometimes sheer songwriting prowess can make a powerful song. But it's hard to find meaning in songs about tractors or SUPERSOAK THAT HOE.



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Well I was going to post the last 10 songs on my iPod as an example of what I'm listening to, but then HV made me feel inadequate, and after I got done punishing myself, I just don't feel I have the energy left to make a list.




I do enjoy a good flame, so I'll do it anyways. iPod shuffle ftw?


Fall Out Boy - Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year

Carrie Underwood - Twisted

Utada Hikaru - Kiss & Cry

Crossfade - Death Trend Setta

Kanye West - Good Life

Augustana - Mayfield

Siren Song of the Counter Culture - Life Less Frightening

Janet Jackson - Again

Shakira - Que Me Quedes Tu

Trapt - Echo


:waits for incoming:

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you have an utada hikaru song? you're the only other person i know who knows who she is.

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Yes biblet, I have...a lot of songs of hers actually. Have the albums Exodus and Ultra Blue, as well as some random singles since Ultra Blue (Kiss & Cry, Ore wa Kuma, and a few others...)


I'm sure a lot of people know who she is, just maybe not her name. She did after all sing the song Passion (forget what its called in english), which was the theme of Kingdom Hearts.

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anyway thats just my two cents [which i recently handed over to tom]




And is it just me or do you guys also feel kinda embarrassed to buy a Dimmu Borgir cd cause you don't want the chick behind the counter thinking you're a blaspheming pervert =-/


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I don't know, have you looked at the chicks that work at FYEs lately? I'm just relieved I don't get eaten.

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I don't know, have you looked at the chicks that work at FYEs lately? I'm just relieved I don't get eaten.


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I try to listen to a little bit of everything. I don't care for most Country or Rap though. As fas as metal goes, I really like a lot of the instrumental work they do, but I have a hard time getting used to all the growling and yelling.


A friend of mine who is really into guitars recently introduced me to some classical type guitarists. I had no idea you could do some of the stuff they do with an acoustic guitar.


Michael Hedges - Aerial Boundaries

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you have an utada hikaru song? you're the only other person i know who knows who she is.

sadly i also know who it is i think i like it cause i have no idea what shes saying and shes kinda hot. and i like the can you keep a secret video with the robot. but i haven't listened to any of her stuff since that cd came out so i have no idea what shes up to now.

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haha yay other people that listen to j-pop/rock xD


do you listen to boa too!? kek


used to be you could hear what i was currently listening to over vent, sadly i dont have that setup anymore where i can blast pantera through my mic.

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I listen to a bit of everything, my views on music is FAR from the normal though. I value singing and the bass so when I listen to music I listen to people who can do intresting things with their voice, and fat bass lines first, but in the end I'll pretty much listen to anything that sounds good, or has a good a meaning, which is rare to fine these days.


Though I'm half black so I can't resist the call of rap as anyone in Team Sauce knows.


But, I keep my soft spot for J-Rock. It's pretty much where I throw it down, I've even made trips on greyhound, and across the country* to see a select few J-Rock bands.


BUT currently, I'm listening to Alien Ant Farm :3

Edited by Sauceboss

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Just scrolling through my play list i see... all types of metal, video game soundtracks/ocremixs, classic rock, anime sountracks.

And i'm currently listening to Sick Animation the CD Vol.1 pretty funny stuff =-D


definetly check out When I Lay You Down if you're not easily offended

Edited by Shikimaru

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With a Thousand Words to Say But One - Darkest Hour. Thats the current track, but coming next is The Subtle Arts of Murder and Persuasion.

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Just scrolling through my play list i see... all types of metal, video game soundtracks/ocremixs, classic rock, anime sountracks.

And i'm currently listening to Sick Animation the CD Vol.1 pretty funny stuff =-D


definetly check out When I Lay You Down if you're not easily offended


Video game and anime soundtracks are usually pretty good :D

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Listen to this and name a single rap or country act with this much talent:



Not to go back into the 'what is music' debate, but I don't see how you can call that talent. Like someone else said, the music is fine but when dude starts screaming I was ready to turn off. I could link you rap and country songs that show loads more talent than that, but you'd more than likely disagree so there is no point. I just think making a broad statement like "rap and country require no talent'" is narrowminded and if you're a musician I'd have thought you'd know better than to make such generalizations.


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Ok, let me re-phrase that then. To be in a successful country star or rapper requires no talent. That isn't to say that I don't wish I could be a country musician. Doing dick on stage for assloads of money is really appealing, don't get me wrong.


To say that screaming immediately removes all talent is pretty narrow-minded. Can you do it? Can you do it while playing ripping guitar solos? Didn't think so. Show me ANY country or rap song that requires that amount of skill on ANY instrument to play and you'll have a point.



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:quickly derails this argument about musicianship:


lawl benny i do have a few BoA songs lying around they dont count though, silly half korean/half jpns people


and sauce i did one time drive to illinois to watch do as infinity play....which uh....a large gathering of fanboys i must say

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ocremix is really great too.


and yea i can hardly play guitar hero and like sway left to right. i cant imagine shredding on guitar screaming my ass off and headbanging.

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Ok, let me re-phrase that then. To be in a successful country star or rapper requires no talent. That isn't to say that I don't wish I could be a country musician. Doing dick on stage for assloads of money is really appealing, don't get me wrong.


To say that screaming immediately removes all talent is pretty narrow-minded. Can you do it? Can you do it while playing ripping guitar solos? Didn't think so. Show me ANY country or rap song that requires that amount of skill on ANY instrument to play and you'll have a point.


To be fair alot of people can play guitar and sing. If your style of singing is screaming after a while it'll come natural to you in a sense, and thus would be as easy to shred and sing as it would be for any other person too, and there's alot of people who shred and sing. That's like saying that pop stars are talented cause they perform hard dance numbers while singing, it's multi-tasking granted playing guitar is no easy task and I'm not claiming that it is, but I'd argue that just because they can play and scream doesn't really mean they're more talented then the next guy. Screaming isn't talent imo, sure I can't do it, but that's okay, because I'd rather people can easily understand me, and the emotions I'm trying to get across as I sing. If it came down to a debate between metal and rock, I'd stick by that metal band members have more talent then most rock band members, but rockstars sing alot better as they actually do more with their voice then growl. Kyo from Dir en grey is a perfect example, he's got vocal range for miles, and while his band may not be able to play the stuff that your metal bands can play, he could forsure out sing the singer. Granted he doesn't shred and sing, but there's also alot of people who don't shred and sing, and still don't do more then growl in the metal scene.


Just my $0.02


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