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Ubuntu 7.10 Released Today


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Linux is for Nerds! :-P


i guess im a nerd!


Shad, compiz-fusion FTMFW.

Edited by Bishop

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btw, eff ubuntu, go gentoo.

<--O.G. Debian (Running my www/dns/mail since 1998)



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<--O.G. Debian (Running my www/dns/mail since 1998)





Aww christ debian? thats like, too stable for me. I want kernel panics damnit!

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What the fuzzy christ?

Sut/Nick was spazzing about this all last year, how did you miss it? >.>

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When my friend installed Ubuntu for me, I was really high and recorded a startup sound for it, I'll post it some time =)

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I've always used Linux for my server and a few desktops that do mail/web browsing but...Are you guys like playing WoW on Linux?


Never had the courage to mess w/ opengl+linux+flakey vendors and their drivers.

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Sut/Nick was spazzing about this all last year, how did you miss it? >.>



I know Lrnec was freaking out about it, but I don't pay attention to much he says since he hardly goes through with anything <3

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I've always used Linux for my server and a few desktops that do mail/web browsing but...Are you guys like playing WoW on Linux?


Never had the courage to mess w/ opengl+linux+flakey vendors and their drivers.


nvidias kernel modules are quite good, atleast for the moment they are better than ati. WoW can and does run on linux, but at about 1/2 to 1/3 the speed it does on windows, so while you may find me farming on linux, you wont find me raiding on it (vent has issues too).


Wine: well, wow runs. There are patches available for wine to improve its ability to run wow


Cedega: much better than wine in this case, yes it costs money, but its not that much. Allows full use of wow's shaders, speed enhancements over wine, BETTER sound, and you can actually turn on hardware cursor and have it work. It also use your current window decorator where wine by default uses its own.


Wine has improved very much over the last year, but still isnt great, and cedega's new version i think actually slows wow a bit.


depending on your setup, add -opengl after WoW.exe

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Yeah, I'm kinda opposed to spending money on anything in my Linux rig (more out of habit than any political leanings).


I've looked at Cedega before as well as wine. My issue with both is they don't work for *every* game. What I want to see is a natively supported port of DX dammit.

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Yeah, I'm kinda opposed to spending money on anything in my Linux rig (more out of habit than any political leanings).


I've looked at Cedega before as well as wine. My issue with both is they don't work for *every* game. What I want to see is a natively supported port of DX dammit.


id like to see more games support opengl, with opengl 3 coming soon, it will offer features akin to DX10

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