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Assuming this is the same Gwenevere, if ya don't remember me, I was a troll mage in Unrequited. Had some good times in AB together while you played yer BF's mage earning him rep, pre WoW 2.0. Glad to see you have dusted off your hunter as you had thought about doing back then.

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hey tierla! i remember u! i just started playing again after a long break, u killed me? where? lol...i dont remember, but thats not surprising. No, i didn't dust the hunter :)

The good ole dayz....horde pvp..../sigh


how have u been ? great to hear from u! My ex doesn't really play anymore, but if he does he is keeping it a big secret..../issues ....yeah


Anyway, hope to see u in Outlands some time, although im usually in bg somewhere, maybe ill see u there too :)



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I had just been summoned in for an Old Hillsbrad run. Soon as screen cleared I saw an ally hunter go runnin past out into Tanaris with the rest of my grp chasin her. She died not 5 seconds later and soon as I got close enough I saw it was you.


I am always in Outland these days. Just got 70 on my BE mage and only quests I have done are the Hellfire ones, so I got ALOT of questing to do lol. Also more farming to get my tailoring up so I can finish my spellfire set. I will be in the BG's alot too. Stupid Blizz has left me only 2 ways to get a pvp title now. Conquerer for exalted in WSG/AB/AV or an Arena title. I am workin on getting WSG to exalted so, thats where you can find me most when pvping. :P


Can't say I'm sorry to hear yer ex quit. He never played much even when he was playing. I seem to recall it was always you that was on. I will definitly keep an eye out for you when I am on. :)

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