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I will say this once now, and probably many, many times in the future.


The Amani War Bear is single-handedly THE most brutal thing that's ever existed. Should the opportunity arise, I would sell both my kidneys, my dignity, my left testicle, the clothes on my back and my ancestral heritage to ride that beast into battle.


That, Mike, is the meaning of /dreamroll.

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Team Sauce approves and supports Ravenheart's quest for the most BRUTAL mount in game.


If I am ever on a ZA run with you RH and that drops you can trust I would pass it to you without a second thought as long as you respecced ret, and we went out and demolished some horde later.



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Flying mode


Hover mode



totaly awesome =-D

Edited by Shikimaru

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Those mats for the normal engy mount (only one I could even ride) are really really easy :D makes me happy.

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Amani War Bear is basically like saying the ARMANI War Bear, and we all know that Gynis loves Armani.

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Here's a new twist to the bears with the same model as the mount from ZA



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hmm, bran told me about that but i didn't know they were EXACTLY like the mount. i may have to get one.

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