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Engineering and Trig Mount


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I think they speak for themselves.





Edited by Garnok

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The new instance coming in 2.3 I think.


ZM I believe.

Edited by Bentley

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I am farming Zul'Aman til I die for that mount. That is all.


PS And it's a raptor, Gar.

Edited by Trigori

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You know what would be awesome! being able to ride a mount while in bear form!!!! YES, if trig were than to get this mount, it would be awesome bear on bear action!

Edited by Bishop

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links are dead. Garnok, you should know better than to hotlink like that. Rehost them :-P

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Engineering mount is definitely awesome but bear mount...AMAZING...INCREDIBLE

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Now I'm actually going to actually have to farm for epic skill. That engineering mount is too cool.

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Engineering mount is ftw


edit, the bear mount picture just loaded...WTH! That's brutal!



Edited by Vanin

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wtf a plane with water skis and bongos?!?!?! and lol @ bear cavalry.

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I might have to start raiding just for that bear mount >.



bear on bear action. mmmmmmm

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Just got all the mats for my engy mount. Now i just gotta get on the test server to play with it =-D

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Time to level Loofa and fly around in an awesome flying machine.


Do gnomish engineers get the flying machine and goblin engineers get mini blimps?

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Coilfang Armaments might give one person enough rep for exalted, we don't have enough to get everyone there. We'll use them for pots so go farm rep the old fashion dungeon way, they have dailies for dungeons coming out soon.


I want the first one!



Edited by loofa

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